Recently, he chose worry as the theme for his next musical segment. For spice, he told two stories.
The first was of a young man restlessly pacing the floor of his apartment, until late into the night. Finally, he reached a decision. He marched down the stairs to his landlord’s apartment and pounded on the door. No answer. So he continued pounding. Eventually, a very tired and cross landlord threw open the door. “Well, what is it?”
“I can’t pay the rent!” the young man blurted.
“You woke me at two a.m. to tell me that?” the landlord barked. “Why couldn’t it wait till morning?”
The other replied, “I saw no reason to worry alone.”
You undoubtedly have many of your own reasons to worry. That is the nature of life. When things pound away at you, fast and furious, you may go upstairs to the Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ, the Inner Master, to share your concerns. Unlike the landlord, he does not worry. He can, in fact, relieve you of your worries, to help you where you cannot.
The radio host’s second story on worry ran like this:
A fierce thunderstorm raged outside a cottage. A howling wind tore off branches, hail pelted windows, breaking some. The cymbals of thunder rattled the modest home.
Inside the cottage, a young woman huddled. She listened fearfully to nature’s tempest and shouted above the din.
“What’s going to happen?”
Her question was addressed to her husband, whose face betrayed not a bit of worry. Rather, he was calm. A knowing smile traced his lips.
“Don’t worry,” he said, “we’re only renting.”
There is a certain logic in that, because he regarded the house as someone else’s loss, should it come to that. In a real sense, he was like an ECK chela who understands the transitory nature of material things. Only Soul is substantial. It lives beyond time and space. It is eternal. It does not worry.
Each ECK initiation is a stage in reaching the state of consciousness where worry ceases to dominate an individual.
Many of people’s daily worries arise from old lessons ignored or forgotten. People do the same old things that have caused them problems before, in personal relationships, in finances, in health, and the like. So the same old troubles come calling. Others often see these people throwing a karmic boomerang again and again that predictably blindsides them just as many times.
A clinical psychologist who hosts a popular radio show runs into such callers repeatedly.
She advises, “If you press A, and B happens, and you don’t want B to happen, don’t press A!” But it is surprising how often a caller balks at the advice. Old habits die hard, like clichés.
You certainly do have all kinds of responsibilities, which can carry with them many worries, like enemy soldiers hiding inside a Trojan horse.
Remember to call upon the Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ, your champion. He will help you overcome all your worries.
So, don’t worry!
—Sri Harold Klemp

Next time worry aims to ruin a good day, try this spiritual exercise:
Take a few moments to ask your best friend (the Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ) if there is some habit at play behind the scenes. Might he help you discover the antidote?
Very likely so. Tip: Remember to say, “May the blessings be” with your whole heart.
I love “Take a few moments to ask your best friend (the Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ)…” I do! And often! He is not only my best friend but my most treasured friend! All things go better when I include Mahanta in my moment-to-moment activities, no matter what they may be. I am incredibly grateful for his presence, guidance, and love! Everything seems better with Mahanta! He is always there for me!
Thank you Z. I had a good laugh and worried less.
What else is there to say after the Mahanta speaks and Souls narrate the proof?
OK, maybe this: “Amazing”!
Thank you, dear Mahanta.
Cats readjust their body just before landing from a fall.
So should I readjust and call on the MAHANTA when the going gets tough.
The MAHANTA sets the Divine Force into Motion for the good of the Whole.
Pilots don’t physically carry the airplanes into the sky.
They press some buttons and let the forces of nature complete its course.
Farmers don’t chemically produce the food.
They sow the seeds and let nature do its thing.
Couches don’t force the skills into the players.
They make their points and let natural talent of the players take over.
Thank you MAHANTA for your help.
The worry and fear comes from the drops who have fallen apart from the sea. If we join it, nothing can move or shake us, because our depth becomes as the depth of the ocean. Just join it. We are and watch…
I love you as much as the ocean, Z
I remembered to call upon the MAHANTA, my champion.
Yes, Sri Harold Klemp, the MAHANTA is appointed by God, as a universal constant to help bring Souls back home into Heaven.
This Divine Truth is the shortest distance between all lies.
God Is.
And I am Soul.
If the MAHANTA points the Way, I must follow.
I may not know where I am going, but I’m going.
Wait a minute!
Is there any need to go anywhere?
That is the point.
I am already Here, Now in Eternity.
The MAHANTA has been saying this all along, but understanding is my responsibility.
No journey is more challenging than the journey into the NOW.
Be the inner Sound.
Be the inner Light.
But take it easy.
The Journey is easier if I stop pushing, and let go, and let God.
I had failed over and over again to catch the returning Wave; and that is why I reincarnated.
Thanks to the spiritual exercises of ECK.
The mind is slowly losing control over me.
Gossip ain’t the Way.
Soul is in charge.
The MAHANTA is concerned only about Soul; and Soul’s return to God through the ECK.
Thank you MAHANTA for this Divine Journey.
Thank you for your poetic words that allow me, Soul, to see/hear inner meaning which guides me in Now, place of Love, Z, ECK.
“An ECK leader needs to learn how to be on top of the water and let the current carry him. “
Thank you, dear Mahanta.
With the start of current pandemic, I was told by the doctor , my employer- no more work and hence being a doctor , sitting home which i had not planned would have been difficult to go through. But Mahanta gave me the inner nudge to get involved in Eck activities which became available in California via zoom that became a golden opportunity for me to catch up my Eck studies as I participated so freely because i had all the time to put my attention. Through these circumstances, it became so easy to live in the moment, the present moment, a golden opportunity to practice and study eckankar.
i am so grateful for this gift of time to study and bring Eck into my life.
Mahanta , you care and you created this gift of free time for me. I am grateful to be your chela.