I sense there’s a connection between the harmony and coworkership of the ECK community and the health and vitality of our Vahana mission.
Is this true? If so, can you share more?
You’re so very right; they’re inseparable!
A unity of spirit makes possible the impossible by greatly magnifying the efforts of everyone in a group. It’s like two individuals in a loving relationship: love allows them to flourish in otherwise unimaginable ways.
So also with our Vahana mission.
In sports, a team with a “deep bench” is likely to be a winning team. A backup player who ably steps into a game can give a tired teammate a breather.
Love bonds. Getting to know each other makes it easier to make corrections when a plan goes awry, then move on.
So we are more willing to forgive and forget. Therein lies our strength. We pick ourselves off the floor, ready to continue in pursuit of our part in the team’s Vahana goals.
In your question, you rightly address the spirit of divine love that uplifts all who let it in. So we are a strong and successful group.
Words strain to explain the simplicity of it.
* * *
In October of each year, our Satsang Society leaders review the past year’s effort and make plans for the upcoming spiritual year. You do this; the ESC does this. What suggestions can you give that will help us all be in better alignment in our planning and get a quick start?
The first thing to determine is where you feel you’re out of alignment. Everything hinges on that point, of course.
You no doubt mean that I and the ESC build up broad, multiyear plans, while Satsang Societies like yours flesh out and develop annual plans. So in light of that, here’s a way to approach your planning.
Consider first the purpose of the ECK Satsang Society. To cut to the quick, it is to carry on the teaching and spreading of the ECK doctrines in each community of your region. Many of an upcoming year’s plans will build upon, but also add to, those of the outgoing year, so your planning is half done.
Also, take into account the shining lights in your region. These are the champions of a good idea. New ideas are the very life of a group.
In connection with such champions, solicit their suggestions freely. There will be a lot more enthusiasm behind a plan if they’ve had a hand in developing it, and their contagious enthusiasm will carry to others.
And what else?
For starters, do everything with love for SUGMAD (God). That’s the strength of champions. Their love is already there. It’s contagious.
And that’s all that comes to mind for the moment, but keep tuned to the inner channels. There, we can talk more as the picture in your region comes into sharper focus.
* * *
I have noticed there is only a handful of chelas in the area who, despite their busy work and family commitments, are always willing and ready to serve the Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ in the outer structure. They are always there, ready to go the distance.
Yet, there are others who tell me how busy their life is and that they don’t have time to help. I know these chelas also love the Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ just as the above group do. They attend HU Chants, Satsangs, and other ECK activities, but when it comes to helping in the outer structure, even if it is only a small job, they decline. What is so special about the first group of chelas? What makes them always willing to go all the way in love and service?
You face a perplexing challenge that others also do from time to time: not enough willing hands to help the Master.
For starters, every excuse you hear is a good one. The reason is simply that each emanates from a particular state of consciousness. Each Soul is in the specific situation that exactly fits Its state of consciousness.
People are where they have put themselves.
So, at a given moment, some show a deep-burning love for God, while others have only a lukewarm love. As you recognize, there is nothing you can do about it. This world displays a wonderful breadth of people and the ways they regard the valuable or worthless things which occupy the house of their being.
Regardless of their unique state of consciousness, we respect their right to enjoy spiritual freedom, unless, of course, they infringe upon our own. Then we say, “Out!”
I’m sure others will appreciate your question as much as I have.
—Sri Harold Klemp

Let the Master show you a new, enjoyable way to connect with others in your local area on a Vahana idea. Expect to have an enriching Satsang experience—one you might want to repeat!
“This world displays a wonderful breadth of people and the ways they regard the valuable or worthless things which occupy the house of their being. ”
Sri Harold Klemp.
Since divine creative imagination is the spark of God within us, a strong imagination of the face of the Mahanta is the airport from which my inner flights originate.
Therefore, creative imagination suppressed is spiritual awareness suppressed.
Divine imagination ignored is spirituality ignored.
Divine creative imagination is a baby whose growth is dependent upon nourishment.
To underrate my imagination is to participate in my own spiritual decay.
God gave us infinite imagination for a reason.
Thank you Mahanta for everything. .
D.N, I like this_ “Therefore, creative imagination suppressed is spiritual awareness suppressed”!
And I add also that Spiritual Awareness suppressed is Spiritual Freedom suppressed.
wenn neue Ideen sprühen , sind manche Chelas sehr zurückhaltend , – dann sollte man sie selber
ausführen .– das Handeln steckt an ..–
ES ist wie Brot dass man verteilt , dass alle satt werden …
Möge SEGEN sein
Sometimes I start with something else, like my free time activity. Then suddenly the true reason why I` m doing it comes through. Just like a golden cord it leads me to find the ECK vahana possibility in it.
What I learned from it is do something you love, for you and for ECK. And you will see the ways the Holy Spirit is doing things. Just help it fulfilling Its work.