There’s an old tune in country music that tells a story of unconditional love. It’s like the Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ’s love for you: no charge.
A young boy was required to help out around home as he got older. He had to learn to carry his own weight. Besides making it easier on his parents, it was necessary for him to learn the increasing responsibilities of maturity.
And so the song begins. . . .
One day, the boy handed his mother a sheet of paper. She took it and began to read. On it was a list of duties her son had completed that week, along with the charge for services that he felt were due him.
The duties were of a common sort. For example, making his bed every day that week without being told: $1.00. Raking the lawn: $2.00, etc. At the bottom of the long list of charges, he’d written the total: $14.75. Expectation lit his eyes as he awaited his due reward.
But his mother took the sheet of paper, turned it over, and began to write on this order:
- For all the times I worried and prayed for you, in sickness, through the night: no charge.
- For all the times I hugged you when you were afraid: no charge.
- For all the times I washed your hurts and put bandages on them: no charge.
And so the mother’s list ran until it held many more entries than her son’s. She handed the sheet to him. He read of all the times she’d given him love, protection, and understanding. All was done for love. She hadn’t wanted or even looked for the slightest reward.
No charge.
Tears clouded his eyes.
“Mama,” he said, “I sure do love you.”
He then took up the pen, turned the sheet over to his list of charges, and wrote in big letters across his bill: “Paid in full.”
Yes, it is a sentimental story. However, it does reflect the Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ’s love for every Soul, for you. Once you made a commitment to the path of ECK, he was already there by you. He eased your karmic load when you were still too young in spiritual maturity to shoulder it yourself. As you grew in understanding and strength, he let you carry your own weight—more and more, day by day.
Love has no strings. It allows freedom and responsibility for all. Isn’t it a fact that SUGMAD (God) has placed each of us in this world so we may become able Coworkers with God? It’s the goal of perfection.
That’s the reason for our existence, is it not?
Please don’t overlook The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad, Books One and Two, now on audio recordings. Listen to them. They give a new dimension to an understanding of the holy scriptures of ECK.
The Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ’s love, as you’ll hear again in The Shariyat, Book One, chapter 6, is even stronger and more lasting than this mother’s love for her son. Yes, the Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ, the Living ECK Master loves you. He’s loved you through all time, through all folly. He expects nothing from you except what you’re willing to do in behalf of your own spiritual good.
And he’ll always meet you more than halfway.
No charge.
—Sri Harold Klemp

See for yourself what chapter 6 of The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad, Book One, “The Living ECK Master,” says about your eternal relationship with the Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ.
True contemplation of the ECK works reveals the special message the Master has for you today. Open your Spiritual Eye and ears as you read by silently chanting “Z.”
Thank you Mahanta ✨
“He’s loved you through all time, through all folly. He expects nothing from you except what you’re willing to do in behalf of your own spiritual good”
So deep and touching, I just want to thank you Mahanta for the greater love. I love you too.
Again and again, the Mahanta plucks me from the pangs of despair,, the jaws of defeat.
There are no words to describe my gratitude for the Mahanta’s selfless love for me.
Under thine hand, dear Mahanta, I shall strive to be the HU.
Thank you Mahanta ?
This opened my heart in the midst of some painful days.
Thank you Mahanta
Life is like writing.
Writing helps us rethink and redo our own understanding of life itself.
Hence this young boy was only redoing and rethinking his own evolving awareness of what love might be.
“When you’re writing, you learn, you find, or you discover that there’s always more to learn. “
—Sri Harold Klemp,
Excerpts from chapter 6, The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad, Book One, Page 121
– The Living ECK Master is above time and space. He is God’s essential expression and is never separated from the source of true wisdom and reality. He is able to see the past, know the future, and give healings, happiness, and create miracles for those whom he loves and those who believe and can accept his gifts. For all those who have reached the state of consciousness of the knowing level shall realize who they are and shall be ready to receive the gifts as dispensed by the Living ECK Master.
– The work of the Living ECK Master has already been finished with every chela who comes to him to be lifted up. He knows what the chela is ready to receive before the petition is made. He gives all tothe chela in advance, but if the chela is not ready, there is no recognition that he has already received his gift. When the chela is ready, the gift shall be recognized and received with the joy and blessings of the Living ECK Master.
Excerpt from chapter 6, The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad, Book One, Page 118
– It is best not to make contact with the Living ECK Master in the physical but through the inner level, for all comes as the secret teachings from the heart of the Mahanta to each chela under his protection and guidance. This is the inner way, and all who come unto the Mahanta shall be lifted up into heaven.
Nice Surprise. Thank you Z for reminding to listen to The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad.
So we see that in Chapter 6 of the Holy Book of Eckankar, the teaching, “when the Student is ready, the Master will appear”, is simplified.
For now, we know and understand that the “appearance” is not of the physical form, but of the inner; the Student’s ability to recognize the divine gifts from the Mahanta; the inner awareness, the growth in consciousness, that must be developed, nurtured, and refined again and again and again through eternity.
It’s a blessing to have, and learn through, the Shariyat Ki Sugmad.
Love…is all there is. Soul is Love. Soul has God consciousness but most lack awareness of this Eternal state. If I act with Love, I grow in closer harmony to that consciousness. When I express gratitude for even life’s most painful moments and thank the Mahanta for never leaving my side…that brings me back to Love & Joy.
Absorbing the ECK in this chapter of the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad was so nourishing
… Thank you??
When I look back, at the events that happened from the moment I was born, and the adventures I had after meeting the ECK, my heart can’t bear to remember those memories. My tears don’t allow me to look at past years, months or days.
I can’t thank you. It is useless. I have decided to forget the past. Your patience, love and constant presence was so much that I can’t go through even amount of it.
I just hope I can give this love back to the world.
Its amount was so much that it reaches everyone. So, verbal thanks have no meaning for me anymore. Your love and attention have brought me to freedom. How can I just say, thank you?
To die is a foolish thing. I’m going to live for you. My will is your will. Please use me in your holy mission, reaching Eck to Souls. I’m not useful for anything else.
Thank you ?
Mahanta the wonderful! I send to you all my gratitude for always making me discover the next weaknesses to work on .it’s hurt in the moment but with each step passed I feel my heart filling more love and happiness in my life .Be in ECK as co worker of the Mahanta it a so big gift!
I love you z