Can you believe the modern ECK teachings have been around fifty years? Maybe you weren’t even born. But no matter. I’m delighted to have you aboard, helping people find their way home to God.
Your position and mine benefit from keeping up on conditions and events around us. Political, social, and economic circuses do influence the people we serve, and us too.
Here are some things I do to keep informed. Your practices will naturally differ.
Joan and I are overly sensitive to some kinds of electromagnetic waves. That rules out TV, computers, and even a prolonged use of cell phones. That crimps my information gathering.
So I have work-arounds.
Radios. My nervous system objects to plug-ins, but most radios with batteries are OK. The same holds for CD players, though DVD players are a no-no. Radios provide me with news and information at many levels of human engagement.
It’s likely you can link to the internet to keep in touch with others, here and there, throughout the world. A wonderful advantage, the internet. Yet pressures come at you from every corner: family, job, health, social, and more. Your leadership position is no easy street.
But whoever promised us a rose garden anyway? (Our little secret is that life itself is Soul’s rose garden.)
Periodicals are central to my collecting information. The Economist carries news and an insight into worldwide regions and their issues. It treats business, financial, and scientific developments. And it looks in on books and the arts. You may know of it.
You have access to other sources of info through the internet.
Periodicals on health, science, and even archaeology may inform my talks and writings. I necessarily read a lot.
Publications I love are book catalogs. I examine categories, entry by entry, for any title that promises matter to enrich and enlighten you and other ECK chelas with a spiritual principle.
An excellent source for learning is a lecture series from Professors and experts, the best teachers in every field, guide you to be a better ECK leader and person.
Areas of interest you might find enjoyable range from mastering stage presence, to storytelling, to communication skills, to nutrition and natural healing, to modern and ancient history. The list goes on.
Courses on religion, the fine arts, and language too. I give this company my highest recommendation. If the sale prices are still budget-busters, see if your library will get a course you want.
Our storytelling approach to ECK Vahana efforts is highly effective. Good stories reach hearts.
For your talks and writings, sprinkle them with stories. You will hear stories of ways chelas saw the Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ’s intervention on some needful occasion. Ask for permission—in writing—to retell them. But use sound judgment in making a selection. Your eyebrows will rise at some of the stories from well-meaning individuals who claim divine help. You’d think, Who’d ever believe that?
You and your compatriots, past and present, have my sincere thanks for making the fiftieth anniversary of the ECK teachings here possible. It is a vital landmark in our history.
—Sri Harold Klemp

Polish a story from your own life that would help someone understand an ECK principle in an enjoyable way. Write it up, or practice telling it verbally. You may get a nudge—or maybe even an invitation—to share it soon.
Bonus: You will gain a new layer of spiritual insight about your story by making this preparation.
“I am delighted to have you aboard, helping people find their way home to God. “
—Sri Harold Klemp.
My life was very difficult when I first joined Eckankar.
I was as poor as a church mouse.
Then the MAHANTA came in my dream and told me that I would be alright before I retire.
This promise turned out to be true.
The MAHANTA helps one so that one may help another.
When the Godman says, “I am always with you,” please take that to the bank.
Life in ECK is anything but lonely.
Simultaneous participation in both the visible and invisible worlds is the great pleasure of Soul.
This ability to be alone without having a feeling of loneliness is a sign of Spiritual Freedom.
The strong hands of a cowboy is required to grab the bull by the horn.
With strong love shall I hold the MAHANTA in my heart.
The fact that I don’t physically see the MAHANTA does not mean that the MAHANTA is not with me.
Air is invisible to my eyes.
This invisibility is not a proof of absence of air.
Aren’t my thoughts and vibrations seemingly invisible to the person next to me.
Love is apparently invisible.
Many essential things in nature are supposedly invisible.
“The life in Eckankar is made for the active Souls and is purely an individual search for God. “
—Shariyat Ki Sugmad, page 366.
Thank you MAHANTA for your presence.
“The problem with the religions of the world is that one who has gained insight into the nature of the ECK soon learns that they are but social institutions.”
—Shariyat Ki Sugmad, page 243.
Once I recognized that people are tied of lies and man-made theories, I try to let people know that ECKANKAR is One Hundred Percent NATURAL.
In the past two weeks, I have talked to three people about ECK.
In each case I let them know immediately before I forget, that ECKANKAR is not a man-made theory, it is natural.
As soon as people know that within themselves is a natural inner Sound that they too can listen to and wait patiently for NATURAL transformation, they are happy to try it.
I also tell them to chant HU and ask the MAHANTA for help if they couldn’t hear the Sound.
The MAHANTA links people up to the Sound.
The MAHANTA is the Sound.
“I am delighted to have you aboard, helping people find their way home to God.”
—Sri Harold Klemp.
Each talk, even if when rendered in chat-style, by the Mahanta offers immense insights into everyday life’s challenges.
Thank you, dear Mahanta
May the blessings be. Inside me is a big mansion as Eck in me.