At the very heart of the awakened Soul is a desire for freedom. It is the wish for a better life, here and now as well as in the hereafter.
Much of one’s pursuit of freedom is in chase of shadows, the idea that freedom offers happiness through a material or emotional good. There is little thought about cost. What sacrifice will make it ours, to have and to hold?
A woman came to ECKANKAR the easy way: by birth. Struggle for the precious truths others labored to find was not her experience and, so, beyond her understanding. The ECK discourses stayed sealed in their mailing envelopes, to gather dust on a shelf in the living room. And when she did open them to tidy the room and catch up on her reading, it was only to give them a quick once-over.
Long ago someone said, “How can we appreciate freedom unless we’ve first lost it?”
Life will supply the spiritually wayward with all kinds of diversions to keep them too occupied to find time for the study and practice of the ECK ways. Life’s too busy.
There are kids to chauffeur to games and events, shopping, work, relaxation, and going online to surf the internet.
Yes, all these activities do have their place in today’s society. But to what end? Without a spiritual purpose to connect the elements, it is an existence that races around a circular track. What is the point?
You’ll meet this sort of individual in your own ECK community. He reflects a state of consciousness without a solid foundation of values. And all you can do is work within the capacity of such a person.
If one is any kind of leader or teacher at all, he will give encouragement to those in his care, to help them rise above the limitations of the day. So, an ECK leader does that. Yet in doing so he keeps in mind the admonition of ECK Master Rebazar Tarzs to the seeker and the girl in Stranger by the River.
“Nothing can be taught thee, my friends, which is not already concealed as potential knowledge in the unfolding of thy Souls,” he says. “All perfection of the outer self is but the realization of the eternal perfection of Spirit within thyselves.”
This realization brings freedom.
To be sure, it is with a sense of sadness that we watch another ECKist waste his spiritual opportunities. Yet a good teacher continues to give encouragement. He understands the want of inner discipline of the other Soul, but divine love sees and understands.
A thankless heart does come to regrets.
The twentieth-century American historian Charles A. Beard observed, “When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.”
So what should you do? Be like the ECK Masters. They know of the self-deception of the human consciousness. And like the good teachers they are, they teach first-grade things to first-grade students, and so on. They love all people because of the divine potential that lies asleep within them.
Love, compassion, and understanding. (Even for the woman above who’s lost her way.)
These three are the qualities of a superior leader in the ECK community.
—Sri Harold Klemp

Simply putting your God attention on helping others “rise above the limitations of the day” will align you as the Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ’s Coworker. As you respond to opportunities for giving love and compassion, your spiritual freedom expands.
Contemplate this connection. What does the Inner Master show you?
“So what should you do? Be like the ECK Masters.
They know of the self-deception of the human consciousness.”
-Sri Harold Klemp.
A doctor told a drug addict to stop buying drugs.
So the drug addict stopped buying drugs.
But the addict continued to take drugs because the doctor didn’t say anything about stealing drugs.
The MAHANTA is here to help us.
But the MAHANTA is not a spiritual babysitter.
Thank God the spiritual exercises of ECK is free of charge.
After spending many hours at the bar,
a drunk man forgot his car at the liquor store and went home to accuse his wife of stealing it.
One’s state of consciousness is one’s responsibility.
The MAHANTA encourages one to aim for God Realization because He cares.
A day devoid of the spiritual exercises of ECK doesn’t worth my time.
“Most people don’t actually want to know the truth. The truth hurts. ”
-Sri Harold Klemp.
Youth Ask a Modern Prophet About Life, Love, and God, page 87-88.
Thank you MAHANTA for the Holy teachings of ECKANKAR.
Inner discipline as a cost of Spiritual freedom took me a long while to understand. Even now, fumbles and wobbles attend my effort. Thankfully, the Mahanta and the ECK Masters never tire of showing me the way, teaching me the path and leading me in truth as you would take a child by the hand and lead it through the brush and thorns of an unsparing forest, the murky and deep waters of an unforgiving swamp. This is love unconditioned. Love unlimited. So I say to myself: I must play my part – extricate myself from the grab and bind of the Kal in order to stay and make progress on the path.
Love, Compassion, Understanding for all life whenever and wherever we can. Ofcourse, no easy task in a world of matter. But that’s why we are here: to learn and master the task.
This talk really gave me an unexpected boost to start my Friday fast. Thank you, dear Mahanta.