Could you say more concerning finding one’s “personal mission”?
Thank you for your request. I addressed one’s “personal mission” at the 2007 ECK Springtime Seminar. There, I referred to it as “a calling.”
And what is an ECKist’s calling?
It is to tell others about the Mahanta and the Light and Sound of God.
This direction lies at the heart of the ECK teachings because it is born of a true love for SUGMAD. And as you well know, love is all. There is nothing more.
Rumi, the thirteenth-century poet from Persia, is a memorable example of such pure love and devotion. He directed it toward Shamus-i-Tabriz, his Master, for he knew that Shams, the Wayshower, could show him the way to God.
The poetry of Rumi has served as both a compass and an inspiration for God seekers over many centuries. His poetry was the manifestation of his calling, his personal mission.
I hope this gives you a clearer picture of what to do now.
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Lately our Vahana presentations have been very successful. The spiritual seekers of today seem to reflect our ability to provide a vehicle for them. I wonder: as the Mahanta prepares the way for others, are we being prepared or are they being prepared? Or does it just work both ways?
You’re right on the button: it works both ways.
A Vahana (missionary) who does the right thing in the right way will find the right people.
A simple, clear ECK presentation will reach good-hearted people, those who desire the teachings of ECK for the purest reason. That, of course, is to find their way home to God’s complete love and mercy.
SUGMAD (God) provides an infinite number of routes for spiritual unfoldment. They run the gamut. In the beginning, an individual often takes the solitary road of study. And why not? Soul must first get Its own house in order.
As one unfolds to the deeper levels of understanding and putting into practice the fruits of faith, there is a shift to positions of greater service to others.
But divine love falls in equal amounts on the solitary traveler on the ECK path as well as the individual whose role is more like that of a tour guide for others. A large involvement in true service to God and others opens the heart.
Love is a two-way street. Otherwise it’s nothing.
Give Vahana presentations with love and the natural enthusiasm which shows that love. Heart people can tell; mind people will catch the spirit too.
You’ve seen it work.
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In a recent dream experience, one of the Eighth Initiates pointed out that more important than any Vahana project or tool we may develop is to ask oneself, “Are the spiritual needs of the person being met?” I realize this is a crucial question. What are the seekers’ needs?
Your dream was a fitting reminder of what a Vahana’s real goal is. Seekers wish to know what the ECK teachings can do for them. Such a concern is of the highest sort. They unconsciously want spiritual freedom.
Consciously, on the other hand, they may think they want wisdom, human love, knowledge, or some other quality or attribute that they would find hard to define.
The ECK programs will generally help you find the seekers.
But as Vahana teams give intros in the community, ask for their feedback. It can be valuable information. What topics did the people most respond to? How successful was the intro’s style (a lecture, a give-and-take approach where the leader tries to tactfully draw out the attendees to speak of their own insights and experiences, or some other approach)?
So, Vahanas are the eyes and ears of the community. Ask for their suggestions. Let them help develop effective ways to reach new seekers.
And last, keep in close touch with your RESA so that better Vahana tools can be developed for future use.
This method will naturally lead to better ways of serving the spiritual needs of all concerned.
–Sri Harold Klemp

When do you most feel aligned with your personal mission? How does this result in more spiritual freedom for you? Let the Inner Master show you the connection.
As I practice spiritual duties which include my daily spiritual exercises and practice what dream messages are being sent my way from Sugmad , Eck and Mahanta, my desire to share these gifts with others keep getting earnest and my ways to communicate with seekers become refined and fruitful to the receiver. I am grateful for my personal training through Eck . Thanks a lot
I had an experience yesterday that reflects the sort of vahana work that I feel called to do and really enjoy serving this way.
I met our grandsons other Nanna for a coffee. She shared with me what was going on in her life, she is carrying a load that she is trying understand and navigate the best she can. I listened with an open heart, as I have had my share of challenges and understood. I felt compassion for what she was going through. After a while she paused and said “can I ask you something personal, our grandson has talked about your group that you belong to, what is the name, he was trying to tell me but didn’t quite understand.”I have shared the Hu with him aware that was enough. I told her briefly as best I could respecting where she is at. She has followed a Christian path.
As we talked our paths were very similar than I realised, as I had never had this kind of a conversation with her before. Things had changed for her in the last couple of years opening up more questions about life and what is our purpose. She wanted to know where God and Jesus fitted in to Eckankar?
I told her about the Hu and gave her a card to keep if she wanted it.
We discovered we were both seekers from a long way back, each having travelled a different path but there was a bond formed that day between us as we realised we both cared deeply about God and people and how to navigate some of the challenges in our families and in life.
Thank you Mahanta for all the ways you have helped me to be better prepared to be the best Vahana I can. The Spiritual Exercises, Initiates report, doing everything in the name of Sugmad, and much more.