Many of you will read this message in a reasonably well-ordered place. In a peaceful society, for the most part. So what’s the challenge?
Somewhere, ECK members live in wild, turbulent, and repressive countries, unsure of a chance to enjoy, in open communion, each other’s love and fellowship. It is very regrettable to say that this is so. And we, outside their number, must give thanks for all our blessings.
A repressive regime has recently come down hard on religious groups that exist apart from the state religion. Police now raid meeting places. They cart peaceful worshippers to places of containment. Prisons.
It is likely that some were ECKists.
The Kal, the negative power, uses every bit of wile and force to suppress any who get too near his prison wall. This wall is to hold the inmates in captivity. His guards are ever watchful, ever cruel, always looking to stop all who’d break out, to seek spiritual liberty.
Most of you will never face such trying conditions. It is surely a great blessing to have peace.
However, there is a downside to peace and security in this material world: the majority of people lie spiritually asleep. A sign on their door reads Please do not disturb.
Here’s where you enter the picture: You are a Coworker with the Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ, the Living ECK Master in your locality. Your job is to rouse the sleeping.
It is a gladdening thing to see so much interest in the ECK teachings in regions where the inhabitants suffer hardships of the most desperate kind.
Why such interest there?
The simple reason is that those people know without a doubt they live in spiritual bondage. Hard times and impossible living conditions awaken the sleepers. They know their circumstances. They want out.
For that reason, interest in the teachings of ECK is exploding there. Would that it were so here.
What’s often the level of interest in a well-ordered society? It’s something farther down the spiritual scale. Some ECK leaders, themselves a little drowsy in a spiritual sense, might say, That’s how things are. Let sleeping dogs lie.
What can they be thinking?
There are plenty of seekers on the verge of waking up. They’ve had a good night’s sleep. Now, they’re rested. They’re waiting for the sun to rise, to send forth its beams of shining light. Be one of those beams.
The sun says, “It will be a splendid day, so go into the field and bring in the harvest.”
A labor of love is its own reward.
Your challenge is to approach the seekers who are already yawning and stretching, awaiting your call to rise and be spiritually free.
Will you meet the challenge?
—Sri Harold Klemp

When your light is on, it is easier to see the seekers! Your ears are listening for that special something, your awareness is alert to need, your heart is primed for giving.
Do all things with love for ECK and the Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ, and you will shine for God.
“However, there is a downside to peace and security in this material world: the majority of people lie spiritually asleep. A sign on their door reads Please do not disturb.”
—Sri Harold Klemp.
Thank you MAHANTA for this wonderful teaching called ECKANKAR.
The above article is beautiful.
Thank you Mahanta
for this special reminder, it’s true that if we can really do the needful to maintain the light shining, we will surely see and identify them.
Thank you Z
Every soul needs the Spirit of God that is always with it, the Mahanta who is always with me even those that live where life seems serenity, the HU will be service to all. love all
Great thanks to Sri Harold for the writings above. Plenty of Souls are ready for the ECK teachings. Keeping my light bright so I will be able to serve them , doing spiritual exercises, and following inner guidance from the Mahanta are the key.
It really is so easy to serve. Sharing an ECK book by leaving it in the Free Little Libraries that dot across the US or listening to a family member or a friend in need that is ready to hear about the HU. If you are not able to give an ECK intro class then perhaps postering for those that do. Without even mentioning ECK or the HU, you can be an ECK leader by giving love and listening to those in need. Eventually, they will ask…what do you do to stay calm or in balance with life? Opportunities will come. With social media, it’s easier than ever. Post a reply to those in need sharing the HU or one of the many articles on the website or a YouTube video. Someone loves animals? Share an article from the Even easier, like and/or share any number of ECKANKAR posts that are on the official social media sites. There are so many ways to serve. Just ask! The ECK will bring you a way to share Its love that is natural for you. It’s fun! And they (seekers) are waiting for you to leave that beautiful gem for them as someone once left for you!
So well put ?? Thank you!
Life has taught me that every experience in my life “good or bad” is filled with spiritual growth and lessons I can share with others if only I listen and ask the Mahanta for a sign that it’s time for me to share as an active channel for the ECK.
I learn so much about Divine Love when I drop my hesitation and just act/ speak with Love ??
Thank you Mahanta for this opportunity to witness and participate in this massive spiritual awakening. Thank you for letting me assist in service to Sugmad, ECK and Mahanta
BEing HUman is the SOULution.
I’m searching for others that I can help soften their trials. I’ve had interesting results.
Each of us can be the messenger of the Sugmad, sharing the gift of awakening Love that is stirred in our consciousness when we accept the Mahanta’s guidance and take the next step on the journey home. I find the Light shines clearly when I do the spiritual exercises in a dedicated manner, looking forward to that opportunity to taste the Eternal Reality.
Bringing It back with me, I must give it in some act of service. Service is demonstrating this Divine Inspiration we have touched by our contact with the ECK. It is a joy to work with our fellow spiritual travelers on this journey and notice those seekers who are stirring from their slumbers. In a recent eBooklet spiritual discussion, when it came to a quote from Sri Harold about soul-to-soul encounters, a newcomer and seeker, told his story of touching another soul. I thanked him for sharing this soul-to-soul encounter he had and was grateful to recognize how the Light of God is shared by giving.
love ek
lave mahanta
love soghmad….
I will.
What a wake-up call for me personally as I have been feeling a bit „drowsy“ lately and allowing the burdens of living take my focus away from the Eck.
Also, thank you Wah-Z, for this special reminder. I had the pleasure of meeting someone recently who came from one of these repressed places. She shared how they follow the Eck teachings with joy and not with fear. What an inspiration.
This story makes me very grateful to live in the USA. I feel so fortunate that I live within driving distance to the temple in Chanhassen and am able to attend the seminars in Minneapolis.
Thank you dear Mahanta for this great exposé. Overtime, the awareness has come through that I need to redouble efforts at being an open channel for the Mahanta at all times.
I was awake as usual unable to sleep last night. I keep asking Mahanta how can I help you? I finally was given an exercise to do.
“ I open my heart and soul to the Mahanta “ this morning I found this inspiring blog post and immediately had a much clearer idea of how I can help.
May the Blessing Be.
“Your job is to rouse the sleeping.”
For some reason this sentence jumped out at me.
As a coworker with The Mahanta, The Living ECK Master in my locality, my job is to rouse the sleeping.
My thoughts immediately go to… well, what can I do to rouse the sleeping? How can I go about rousing a sleeper?
The thing that came to mind for me is to assume the state of being a Conscious Channel for the Mahanta Consciousness in the moment, or being conscious of being a channel for the Mahanta Consciousness in the moment, and letting IT do the rousing.
I may not be able to tell with any degree of accuracy what another person is in need of, or what’s best for them, however, the ECK, or the Mahanta Consciousness, which is one and the same, does.
The challenge is not in the act of being a channel. This can be done by simply placing my attention on the Living ECK Master in the moment. The challenge is more in me disciplining myself to remember to do it.
And… I’m working on it…I’m working on it! 😉
Baraka Bashad.
In the heart, we all speak the same language.
Today will be a great day. I already discovered this blog early before sunrise ! Great ideas on how to be a better coworker with the Mahanta. This is going to be a great year for mankind.
As instruments of Divine Love and the Mahanta , we must ask Mahanta to send us those souls looking for Mahanta in this lifetime. All we have to do is to share the Eck with the least opportunity. Please Mahanta, ”I ask you today and the days to come to send me those souls looking for ECK” and I will readily point the way. I will forever be very grateful for finding ECK in this lifetime. Thank you Wahz.
I’m happy to be in ECKANKAR,
please Mahanta give me the grace to do more good works
Love that last point in the bottom quote. “When your spiritual light is on. . . . your heart is primed for giving.” This helps me see myself walking through my day with that light on full tilt – always on consecrated ground. Sri Harold’s writing is so beautiful and visual. Thank you Wah Z, with all my heart.