This morning, Joan and I were discussing an exceptional weekly radio program on nutrition. The cohost was absent today; a substitute filled in.
Joan said that “Mary” was the life, the heart of the show. “It’s not the same when she’s gone. The others are good, but Mary gives the program a something special that the others don’t.”
A guest mentioned that Mary was not simply taking the day off. “She’s making a video on nutrition. Mary is always working! She has a passion for helping people find better health.” Mary’s associates do have the greatest respect for her. They know her as one of those special people that is so hard to find in any profession.
Joan noted that these hosts, all trained by Mary in teaching good nutrition, usually tried to find something positive to say about the food choices of callers who called in for advice on a health concern, like migraines or obesity.
However, when a food or drink is harmful to a caller, they are quick to point it out.
There is a lesson in this.
Whenever you are with people, especially ECKists, try to catch them doing something right. Then praise them. We are trying to help people move from their present state of consciousness into a higher one. State the spiritual principles. Each individual will apply them to his or her life as seems best.
This live-and-let-live approach to others is the way of love. How far a person takes the principles depends upon one’s motivation to succeed.
Motivation is key!
A caller to the radio show told her story. She had once suffered migraine headaches as often as three times a week, forcing her to seek relief at an emergency clinic. Her bills ran into the thousands of dollars. She was desperate to shed this situation.
Moreover, there was also the problem of obesity. Her weight had ballooned to some 270 pounds.
The caller said Mary and her associates had made dietary suggestions, which she had eagerly adopted. And in less than a year, she had shed a third of her weight, just by taking better food and drink. A bonus was to see a reduction in migraine headaches. Now, they occurred only once every three months, instead of three times a week.
The caller was one happy lady! Why did she succeed? It all goes back to her strong motivation.
To make strides toward God-Realization takes a passionate motivation too, as strong as Mary’s is for helping people find better health. Is it a secret that ECKists who introduce others to the ECK teachings and serve as Arahatas, out of love for the Master, also further their own spiritual unfoldment?
It is noteworthy that when Mary is absent from the weekly show, it suffers. That is so because she can only be in one place at a time.
The Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ, as you know, is in many places at once. He is always with every individual, all the time, day or night. But one must put his attention fully upon him, and so must each ECK class and assembly.
ECK chelas, singly and collectively, therefore, rely fully upon the Master’s word, whether through his articles, books, or talks, for their spiritual guidance.
The Master really is the life of the party, so to speak.
Emulate Mary’s passion. But by all means, apply it to your desire for God-Realization, the be-all and end-all for living.
—Sri Harold Klemp

You will find it a joy to look for and speak of the goodness in others. Do this with a passion, and it will bring out the goodness in you. This is another way to experience the presence of the Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ.
Try this as your Friday fast, one week every month.
“The Master really is the life of the party, so to speak.
Emulate Mary’s passion. But by all means, apply it to your desire for God-Realization, the be-all and end-all for living ”
-Sri Harold Klemp.
Show me a thing that functions without the ECK and I will show you a thing that doesn’t exist.
Empty space is not empty at all.
Space is of the ECK.
The heart pumps.
But it is the space in the center of the heart that allows it to pump.
The pump is of the ECK.
The lung breathes.
But it is the space in the center of the lung that allows it to breathe.
The breath is of the ECK.
Those who dance may often share the same space with those who cannot hear the music.
The music is of the ECK.
Chant HU to experience the ECK from the Heart of God.
The MAHANTA is the ECK.
For the ECK cannot be isolated.
Thank you MAHANTA for everything.
The Mahanta is definitely the life of my party! I’m so grateful for the constant protection, patience, guidance and love that is bestowed 24/7.
Whenever you are with people, especially ECKists, try to catch them doing something right. Then praise them. We are trying to help people move from their present state of consciousness into a higher one.
MOTIVATION is the key.
Emulate Mary’s passion. But by all means, apply it to your desire for God-Realization.
Thank you WAHZ for your love
I see this as another way to saying “see the good in all people”. This is recognizing the divinity in everyone, their true essence Soul. It’s easy to find fault, but not always easy to find the good. Attention and consciousness is the key. Thank you Mananta for your love.
As a handicapped person myself, I find it interesting that it is difficult for many people to see me as soul. They are only focused on my outward appearance. When I am out and about with my dog, I do my best to greet everyone. As there is a lot of racial tension in my area, I make sure I give the biggest smile to those of a different race than I. Every time I do this, I see the tension melt away from them as they give me a big smile and greeting in return. This is one way I serve the Mahanta. I see people as Soul.
I remember when I was first introduced to the ECK teachings from a high initiate. I was working for her n a very busy chiropractic clinic. She had a post it note on the water cooler that said “look for the good’. I’ve kept that in my thoughts for over thirty years! Look for the good in everyone and everything. Thank you Mahanta for the gift of life! ?❤️
“Strong motivation” Thank you for these exacting words. It was just what was needed to take another step. Motivation is always a good beginning. Then the word “strong” reminds me to keep my attentoin on what brought forth that feeling to begin with to learn a new way of of experiencing life. So far in this Year of Creativity, it is exactly that–being creative and knowing there is a way to keep moving forward spiritually. Keep moving up the mountain of love.
“Is it a secret that ECKists who introduce others to the ECK teachings and serve as Arahatas, out of love for the Master, also further their own spiritual unfoldment?”
It is not a secret indeed, for the Arahata-teacher learns alongside the student. The teacher who teaches out of love for the Mahanta and the seeker is one with an open heart. The heart is where the divine creative spark resides. This is what makes that teacher stand out among others. The same reason coupled with the strong desire/motivation to succeed and to bring out the good in others(see the Mahanta in everyone) make Mary in the story stand out.
Thank you Mahanta for your priceless gems of love and life in these stories.
May The Blessings be.
Look for the good. Such a simple but profound statement. Yet it begins within each individual. Fillling up your whole self with divine love. Going to the inner source. Letting any critical thoughts or anger be transformed by the Mahanta’s presence. It
is easier to look for the good in life when I first fill up my own spiritual being and let that flow through in every thought, word, & action. The most powerful motivator is divine love.