by Harold Klemp | May 18, 2022 | Spiritual-Exercise Refreshment
I have learned so much but feel there is also so much more. Is there a special spiritual exercise we can do in order to serve better as ECK leaders—to open to ever greater love, wisdom, and surrender? You already do so much, but here’s an ECK spiritual exercise to...
by Harold Klemp | Mar 23, 2022 | Spiritual-Exercise Refreshment
Do you remember Aesop’s fable about Hercules, a mythical Greek hero known for his strength, and the wagoner? A wagoner once drove a heavy load along a very muddy road. The horses pulled for all they were worth, but, no doubt about it, the wagon was stuck. The wagoner...
by Harold Klemp | Mar 9, 2022 | Spiritual-Exercise Refreshment
A new member of ECKANKAR phoned “Anne,” an ECK leader. Anne wondered, Would it be to unburden himself? Far from it. In fact, he’d called to share his joy from an awakening. He’d just realized that many years before he’d even heard of ECK, the Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ had been guiding...
by Harold Klemp | Jan 26, 2022 | Spiritual-Exercise Refreshment
It happens. It steals up on us. And if it’s lurking about, you can be sure its companions are close behind. What is this “thing”? Yes, the press of time. We’ve caught it in the act before and have made an ever-so-solemn oath to never let it do so again. But, guess...