There is a lot of unrest and fear in this Pinda world that is well publicized and sensationalized in the world today. It creates more fear. As chelas of the Mahanta, we sing HU and keep our hearts open to divine love.
How can we help others deal with the fear? Is there anything we can do as ECK leaders, other than practice the spiritual exercises daily? What does an ECK Master do? What is the role of vairag?
Today marks a rough and stormy age, without a doubt. So how to deal with it?
Magic wands may dazzle us in fairy tales, but this is real life. As you suggest, ECK chelas can rely upon singing HU and keeping their hearts open to the Mahanta’s love and guidance.
But what about the friends and family who aren’t ECKists?
Long ago, in 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt famously said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
So what’s at the heart of fear? ECKists know it as moha, a sly, misleading attachment to material things that certainly includes life and limb. The cure for fear is vairag, detachment. But how to pass that along in words non-ECKists may understand?
First, point out God’s love to them. Then remind them of God’s grace and protection, and also to listen to their hearts to do the right thing. They may then go on cheerfully with their lives, having full assurance that everything is in God’s hands.
And all is in its rightful place.
A numbing fear shows a vulnerable state of consciousness that must eventually give way. That’s where the Spiritual Exercises of ECK must, sooner or later, enter the picture. In the meantime, we continue to love those near us who’ve yet to discover the spiritual freedom the ECK and HU song afford.
And what about ECK Masters?
They enjoy a special communion with God. In gratitude, they are forever giving of themselves to others.
* * *
The Sound of Soul event is such a gift to the world. We offer it as an unconditional gift of love to anyone, whether they have an interest in ECK or not. In our areas, we are actively sharing the HU and giving away HU: A Love Song to God CDs. Is there any concern about how others might use HU, especially if they don’t understand that it is a “nondirected” prayer? We do our best to explain that. But the HU Song is going out beyond our ability to always share this important information. Thank you for your wisdom.
Let me give you an analogy.
A health practitioner gives a patient a remedy, with directions for its use. But the patient does not follow them. So bad things happen.
Who is at fault?
Of the errant patient and the practitioner, who stands to suffer? The patient, of course.
The same is true of the HU Song. It is simply a way for an individual to come into agreement with the ECK. It is not a magical elixir to heal our miseries, in keeping with our wishes.
The HU Song is to help us understand what is for our spiritual good. It provides us a means to more fully experience God’s love.
The HU Song is a gift to the world; that is the whole of it.
Whether people use it correctly or otherwise depends upon their states of consciousness. That is their right. In all cases, life’s experiences will teach them better.
* * *
In The Spiritual Notebook and some of his audio recordings, Paulji specifies two different ways of chanting HU aloud: singing HU and spelling it. Is there a reason for singing it as two separate letters, on one outgoing breath? I guess singing HU (as hue) is the preferred way, but perhaps the Vᴀɪʀᴀɢɪ would also like us to try the other method from time to time?
Either way is fine. Both methods will spiritualize your state of consciousness equally well. It’s a matter of preference.
For example, at an ECK seminar during a rolling HU, you’ll likely hear both ways being sung. They blend quite naturally. So you may sing HU as two separate letters, H-U, or as a single syllable.
—Answers by Sri Harold Klemp

Each of these Q&As holds a key to deepening your bond with the HU.
A way will open for you to share your gratitude and love for HU. Look and listen!
This last election taught me a great lesson. Or a better way to say that might be, it moved me a bit further along the path of detachment. Since then my husband and I have not watched any news .. at all. We both feel FREE from all that was upsetting our mental balance. Quite an awakening for us both. (I have watched news every day since I was a small girl and read newspapers and online sources too .. 60+ years all told and all gone now.) My life hasn’t fallen apart because I am not aware of what is going on in the world. I find that the ECK keeps me informed of what I need to know. I am experiencing way more peace of mind. I can hear the ECK way better. I am enjoying the moments of my life .. each and every one is filled with Divine Love and it’s easier to see this. Thank you, Mahanta, for this GREAT gift and understanding.
Excessive exposure to electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and processed foods, may indeed have something to do with higher levels of sensitivity and fear inside us too. I could be very sensitive but not necessarily afraid. However, sometimes the ECK uses my sensitivity to protect me from danger. Right now, I am cutting down my exposure to EMR and processed foods.
I figured that spirituality comes down to having a very deep love for the Mahanta- the Light and Sound of God, before, during and after chanting the HU. My refrigerator sings more huuu than I do but it doesn’t sing it with love for the Mahanta.
May I suppose that putting too much attention on the past and future rather than the present also has something to do with fear. How wrong am l?
Thank you Mahanta for yet another gift!
I have also unsubscribed to the “news.” It has been spiritually freeing, and when the Mahanta wants me to be aware of something I get it though the byways and highways of communicating with others. I wish to follow the ECK Masters’ example of “enjoying a special communication with God. In gratitude, they are forever giving of themselves to others.”
Some weeks ago I asked in contemplation, what can I do to become one with the ECK? I heard, “Do everything with love. Love everything you do.” My heart was so happy to hear this inner message. Of course we know love is the heart of the ECK teachings, but I was given this simple truth that was profound to me. I say this phrase and sing it all during the day, to remind myself that when I approach each act with love, and love everything I do, I am one with the HU.
What an awesome experience and change! I, too — am changed since the election (I’m Canadian, but the US election affected me terribly) and the pandemic — because I see the value of the one-on-one more clearly than ever before. I focus more on simply being the best channel for each one in my sphere… loving them, listening to the Mahanta about the best way to serve them, to be there for them. This is the way the Mahanta works with each one of us, the way the ECK Masters work with each one of us – the beautiful individual as Soul, not the masses!
Last night I ask WahZ to help me during the day to remember quickly to sing HU when feeling any king of anger instead of love; and reading this blog I sense that it instilled a deep lighten up of engagement for the HU singing ! Thank you, thankful for the wonderful HU and Harold’s answers … Love singing HU ?
F.D.R. was right! I used to be afraid of being afraid. As an Eckist now, it’s no problem, I sing HU to help me rise above maya. But what about others who don’t know about the HU?
I really don’t like to step on anyone’s toes, especially with family members, the ones we cherish most. Then again the HU has so many benefits. It’s just that I don’t want to spoil it with them, of all people.
I know the ECK Masters are working constantly for our spiritual good. Isn’t it fun to sit at the kitchen table with them?
My husband is an ultra-conservative and has been so addicted to online news and videos that it deeply affects his state of consciousness in a very negative way. Not long ago, I began to realize that I always felt an irritation toward him when he would rant and carry on about a news article. So I asked for your help in contemplation and then began to always sing HU, quietly within, whenever these disturbing episodes would happen. It helped me to detach, be more fully present, and also to be able to say quietly and kindly, “That’s enough” when it was truly — enough. While reading your blog today Harji, I realized that my husband is reining in his outbursts, has recently chosen to not go to certain news websites and has cancelled his social media account! This has all happened so gradually that I hadn’t fully realized this change until reading your heart opening blog today. My dear husband is not an ECKist and jokingly asks if I’m going to do my Huh. It always makes me laugh. “Yes, It’s time for my Huh (HU).” The power of singing or chanting HU never ceases to amaze and uplift me. I love to share the HU whenever I can.
2020 was a precious year to me as it provided an environment to practice detachment. I was fearful when I heard the Pandemic news, but then, I saw it as an opportunity to burn karma and practice vairag. That year was filled with “God’s grace and protection” for a soul seeking consciousness.
Equally important was the support from the Temple of ECKANKAR and Mahanta’s wisdom notes. The ECKANKAR Organization showed resiliency during this unpreceded time! Baraka bashad!
Very interesting blog. A very long time ago a very wise man (at least I thought him as wise then) once said to me… fear is an acronym it mean “False Evidence Appearing Real”. This past month I have learned just how true that really is. We were in the process of selling our company and of course fear was rearing its ugly head everywhere. Would he pay us, would he want me to stay on as an employee… on and on fear was ever so present. It was interfering with my contemplations. So I started to HU more often and asked the Inner Master to help me understand my situation better as I did realize there was a lesson for me to learn from all of this. His answer was clear as he said “You must stop being attached to the situation. It was then I realized that attachment and fear are one of the same. Now I am so very grateful for the Love and guidance of the Mahanta for showing me how to overcome the issues that I was going through. I realized also how blessed we are as Eckist having the guidance and Love of the Mahanta in our lives.
Thanks Neil for that acronym on “FEAR’ It makes so much sense to me.
Recently, I was reflecting on the relationship between fear and the passions of the mind. I asked some ECKists for their thoughts at an online event.
Their answers were insightful and interesting, and gave me more fodder for contemplation.
I now arrive here, and am amazed at the simplicity and clarity of Sri Harold’s explanation, which cuts right through all of my former confusion.
Thank you for pointing out the spiritual truths for us with such grace, Sri Harold!