In the ECKANKAR teachings, we are asked to live in the present moment—in other words, to bring past and future to the present time. Although I have a mental understanding of this process, I don’t succeed in placing myself at that perspective which will enable me, in a way, to have the vision that rises above past, present, and future at the same time.
Is there a spiritual exercise that will enable me to place myself in Soul’s perspective?
Just BE!
It is as simple as that. When you move into that “centered” position, you are sure of everything being right in the world.
Go into contemplation. Ask the Inner Master to help you realize this centered state. As a matter of fact, there is not even a need to move anywhere, for it already exists here and now. All that is required is to accept its reality.
In contemplation, then, simply hold the Master’s face gently in mind. Fill yourself with love. You can do this spiritual exercise lying down, because sleep may well overtake you.
* * *
I sometimes question myself as to whether I have enough awareness of my inner guidance to perform my duties as an ECK leader. How can I overcome these doubts?
“Straight” Harry is a sterling character in G. A. Henty’s In the Heart of the Rockies. It is the tale of a miner in the Old West of the 1860s. He was so honest that his handshake was accepted in lieu of a written contract, even in transactions that involved many thousands of dollars.
Once, a buyer approached him and his partner about the purchase of their mine. He offered a huge sum.
Before Harry’s partner could stop him, Harry informed the buyer that the mine was played out. It was worthless. Harry’s partner was furious. But Straight Harry stood by his word, deflecting every one of his partner’s attempts to unload that piece of dirt. So the deal fell through.
You will do fine as long as you remember to do everything in the name of the Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ.
ECK leaders must be above reproach. The few who try to swindle, seduce, or otherwise harm others will be disciplined spiritually. I am grateful to all of you who serve selflessly and with love.
* * *
In so many ways it becomes clear that service is a golden learning pathway to Mastership. Of the many lessons that one learns about Mastership, what are the most foundational—that is, the one or two or three that most directly guide us in this sacred quest?
It’s not really possible to give a short list of the lessons anyone needs in order to gain the attributes needed for ECK Mastership. It all depends upon the individual.
The Master works with each Soul, giving It all the opportunities and experiences most beneficial to enter God Consciousness. It’s very much a one-on-one program. Soul thus learns to unabashedly live and love the spiritual life.
In doing so, one naturally becomes a guiding light to others. ECK Mastership, then, is the fulfillment of Soul’s age-long dream.
—Sri Harold Klemp

Soul’s perspective is one of profound, all-encompassing trust in the Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ. Each of these Q&As holds a key to your next step upward in that trust. Contemplate with care.
I am mesmerized by every word from Sri Harold Klemp.
It is stated in the Shariyat Ki Sugmad as follows:
“It is not possible to enter into the kingdom of heaven except through the teachings of Eckankar. The path lies with the Mahanta, and all who come to him will have salvation and liberation from worldly affairs.”
—page 96.
By listening to the inner Sound amidst the Sat Guru shall I as Soul begin to unfold.
HU is the best flower that life could offer.
This melody carries Soul home.
A jewel from God.
HU keeps Soul smiling.
And smile is the fresh air of life.
Breath is a proof that air is essential.
No lectures needed.
Devotion to ECK is the turning point of my life.
It is difficult to appreciate air if one hasn’t experienced suffocation.
Eckankar is highly practical.
It may take more than a village to awaken a sleeping Soul.
ECK gives bearing to a meaningful existence.
This jewel of God is the MAHANTA.
My eyes have seen the immortals walk besides the mortals in busy streets.
Good and bad are interwoven.
All are elements from the same texture.
Life makes sense to me, when approached as a timeless continuum.
Even the zen master maintains a detached appreciation to life—
“We’ll see. “
In the words of the ECK Master Paul Twitchell:
“Until the chela sees everything in this world as the working of the SUGMAD, every variety of evil contained in the Kal’s bag of tricks will continue to hold him back.”
—The Spiritual Notebook, page 59.
Thank you MAHANTA.
Again and again, the Mahanta, the Living Eck Master, provides unrivalled access to eternal nuggets of golden wisdom. Thank you, dear Mahanta.
I came to this page in a place of turmoil over a difficult issue that I have just become aware of in the last few days. I have been silently asking for help and seeking resolution. I just sent off a letter to the Mahanta asking for help. I then came to see if there was a new post here. In every question and answers here, I find direction, guidance, answers and as always Divine Love for me as Soul in process. I am as always in awe of how Divine Love continually works to support me and bring me home. ❤️?Thankyou
About the first question and how the past and future exist in the present moment seems to me something that is certainly not perfect; But it is an attempt to explain it from my point of view. As Harji said, discovering the answers through the Inner Master is the best way to reach and understand the life’s issues.
Whenever we remember one of our past experiences consciously or unconsciously, we are experiencing it again. This is evident from the fact that for example, we were in a good mood, perhaps happy or at peace, even a minute before we remembered that experience. But as soon as we review it, depending on its content, we realize that various emotions such as fear, worry, shame, anger, hatred, revenge, etc. have slipped into us and we are experiencing the same thoughts and emotions again, what we had experienced when it happened. Therefore, it can be concluded that all our past experiences, even the most distant ones that we have been in the arms of God in heavenly worlds, exist in the present and need only the light of our attention to be revived.
The same is true for the future. All that we desire is available now and only needs our faith to be experienced. If we can create an image of the best desired conditions in the worst conditions of life and experience the quality and how to live in those conditions in the present, even if only for a few minutes, notice the rise of good feelings such as courage, love, energy, dance, movement and etc. and the negative feelings we had a few minutes ago have disappeared! Therefore, just as all the past exists in the present, so all the future exists in the present and needs only the light of Soul’s attention to be created and experienced it in the present moment which provide the introduction to its entry into our physical lives.
Living in the present moment is living in the presence of God.
For entering into the present moment, we can issue a mental command that don’t go back, don’t go forward either. Be here and live this moment, with all its blessings.
‘Just BE!
It is as simple as that. When you move into that “centered” position, you are sure of everything being right in the world.’
Thank you, Mahanta, for that gentle. simple reminder.
I recall early in my ECK path, a fellow ECKist looking at me saying ‘There’s no need for anger’ with such loving eyes. I was deeply touched… and kind of puzzled ?.
But now, after many life experiences to show me what he meant. I do get it and feel that warm connection of Soul teaching Soul. I am so grateful.
One for all, All for one, All for Love.
The title Soul’s perspective is itself mesmerizing and its true that ECKANKAR teachings help me to look at life, my values, choices are from Soul’s perspective. Practicing this is not that easy but can be achievable, its so simple as Sri Harold explains here just pay attention to or bring the master in your mind always, whatever you do. This definitely helps and works for me to have Soul’s perspective. Looking at everything in Soul’s point of view is equal to or making me more closer to love and God and the centre of my being. I will practice it in my every day life. Thanks Harji for this wonderful answers.