“Bryan” and “Dana” love the ECK and the Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ, so it is not surprising how much light shines from them, like a radiant aura of love.
They once dropped by a city’s Spring and Garden Show. The flowers had beckoned and the music had invited. So they bought tickets. The man at the ticket table was Hispanic; his hair showed threads of grey. Dana liked him. Ever the Vahana, she said, “Would you like a HU card?” He, startled, smiled and took it.
About two and a half hours later, as they were leaving, he was still at the ticket table. He put his hand over his shirt pocket. He said, “I still have what you gave me.” So Dana and Bryan stopped to chat for a few moments.
The man was gentle, sweet, and kind. He said he had just returned from a two-month vacation in Mexico.
Away from family and friends, he was undoubtedly heartened by Bryan and Dana’s friendly greeting of earlier. They were simply passing along the Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ’s love to him. He was ready for it. Dana says she always checks with the Inner Master before giving someone even a HU card. It is the very reason she is such a successful ECK Vahana.
You may be so fortunate as to have a dozen or more of such dedicated ECK Vahanas, like Dana and Bryan, in your own region. You are then truly blessed.
“Bella” is another of those ECKists who gives and gives and gives. She is like a fountain of love. Nothing daunts her. Paradoxically, this stream of divine love that flows from her attracts like-minded people. It draws them but never repels. That is the nature of love, for it is like the gift of pure, fresh water offered to a thirsty, weary traveler.
The coffee shop is one of Bella’s before-work stops. The server behind the counter had apparently noticed Bella’s cheerful demeanor every morning. The young woman moved over to the condiment stand, where Bella was standing. She stared at Bella.
Point-blank, she blurted, “Where do you work?”
“Oh, yeah! I know where you work. Do you love your job?” Bella replied, “Yes, I love my job very much.”
Soon, they were on a first-name basis. “And what do you love about your job, Bella?” Bella replied, “I have the greatest opportunity to serve so many wonderful people all over the world!”
Wendy, the server, said she liked her job, and she did her best to serve. “Although,” she admitted, “I have reservations about the serving some days.”
Bella could sense that Wendy was not proud of her job: making and serving coffee. Wendy confirmed that.
“Some people come in so grumpy most days,” she said. “And then, once they have the coffee, presto, they’re a new person! I know it’s because of the coffee being a stimulant.”
But Bella reassured her. She said, “People make choices. I just notice how kind you are to me and the other customers. You provide the courtesy and joy, as well as the beverages the customers request.”
To me, in a letter, Bella confided, “It seems so simple that all we need to do is just acknowledge another Soul’s gift of service and love!”
Yes, it is that simple. It is a great service to all.
—Sri Harold Klemp

Here’s a natural way to be a light unto the world: Look for every chance today to acknowledge a gift of love and service given by another. Make each instance a sincere gift from your heart.
“Success has a way of finding those who always do their best.
God just wants you to become a Co-worker. You can be that anytime and in any place.”
—Sri Harold Klemp,
Youth Ask a Modern Prophet about Life, Love, and God,
page 132.
I bought a lot of things and
was walking out of Walmart store on September-22-2022 towards my car.
Something strange happened.
A white lady started shouting at me from inside her vehicle. At first I thought she needed help. But instead she was calling me racist names and shouting insults at me that I wouldn’t repeat here.
I couldn’t figure out why she was doing this.
Because I didn’t look at her or even said anything to her.
At this point I was practicing the presence of the Master.
So I said to her, “Thank you, I appreciate you.“ Hoping to calm her down.
This agitated her more.
So I walked away and entered my car and drove away.
An inner nudge compelled me to report this to the store employees. So I drove back and reported this incident to a Walmart staff.
To my surprise, a black cashier at Walmart who took my report told me that a similar thing happened to her a few days earlier. We both started laughing.
At this very time, we both saw the same white lady that shouted the insults at me right inside the store.
The cashier said, oh yes, that lady is the same one that shouted racist insults at her too, a few days earlier. “
Now I know that other people are being insulted too, I didn’t take it personal.
It is what it is.
Being patient to know the rest of the story is a form of service.
Thank you MAHANTA.
What a wonderful story about ‘just be Love’. You stayed in your higher level of consciousness by practicing the presence of the Mahanta. You also used the 5 virtues of the mind: discrimination, tolerance and forgiveness, contentment, detachment, and humility! I saw how the ECK was able to flow through you. Lovely story. Thanks for sharing it and being a loving channel for the ECK ?
Such delightful stories of assurance in being the HU and inspiration to be, if in doubt. Thank you, dear Mahanta.
About two decades ago, I was privileged to read this: “There are many ways to serve God; sometimes only a smile”.
This quote, framed and placed at a vantage point in my bedroom, helps to remind me that even little, silent, non-directed and seemingly inconsequential acts of love are fit for the blessed big frame of being a “right hand of the Mahanta” and becoming a co-worker with God.
But consistency is required to keep the flame alive. Routine must transcend habit to instinct, unforced; spontaneous.
When the toll of life bears on us and the tables be turned, let us recognize this slow burning love of God in the seemingly small acts of cheer, kindness and love that comes our way from different souls (including animals/pets and plants).
Indeed, the Mahanta’s presence as the Inner and Outer Master and guardian is a blessing to all chelas.
Thank you, dear Mahanta for such a beautiful start to a weekend of spiritual discourse and sharing of love (local area seminar).
In the name of the ocean of love and mercy..
I am Nasim from Iran, I always feel the teacher’s presence by my side.
I love you Mahanta..
What a privilege to be allowed to pass the Mahanta’s love along!
The title alone is like music to my heart, “It’s Really All about Service and Love”.
Thank you for this beautiful reminder! That’s what it’s all about.
We are here to love and serve others, God, and ourselves.
By doing so, we become a light unto the world, the Mahanta’s smile.