“Jen” sometimes needed inspiration. At such times, she came to wonder if she really was spiritually fit enough to keep her eye on God-Realization as her goal in this lifetime. Once, she had a dream.
Two people were standing in a dry riverbed. They called, “Come join us in the svaha race!”
Jen looked down at herself. She was surprised to see the body of a twenty-year-old, certainly in good shape. She realized that in this case, svaha meant going on to God-Realization. Their invitation meant Come on, really go for it. You are fit enough.
In short, Jen really only needs to put forth the effort.
When she needs help to stay the course, some of the Master’s sayings come to mind, like this: “For the chela enlivened by the ECK, ‘can’t’ and ‘impossible’ have no meaning.” “The ECK Masters have set the goal of God-Realization for the chelas in ECK, and keeping this in mind will carry you through hard times.”
“Soul is a chip off the SUGMAD.” And, “Love drives Soul on.”
Love does drive Soul on. It urges doing whatever it takes to reach God Consciousness.
Jen has an older sister, “Liz.” For all the years Jen has been in ECK, her sister refused to have anything at all to do with it. Moreover, her goal in life was to gain wealth. Money meant love to her.
Unfortunately, it always seemed to slip through her fingers, causing the loss of close personal relationships.
But now, very recently, true love had finally found its way into her life.
A message from Liz on Jen’s answering machine said, “I had this dream last night, and it makes me so happy! I want to talk to you about it.” Bright excitement lit her voice. So Jen called her back.
Liz’s dream went like this: She drove into a massive parking lot, in front of a dentist’s office.
She then entered the doctor’s office. There to greet her was none other than Jen, who worked there. “All who worked there were so friendly and so happy,” said Liz. Jen noted that Liz used the word “happy” many times over.
She brought the dentist out to meet Liz. Both were delighted to meet each other. The dentist, said Liz, was blond and tan.
However, when Liz went out to the parking lot to leave, someone had taken her car.
Then, a little Mexican man drove up in a tiny car. He was jammed into it. Liz was simply too big to fit inside, so the little man could not take her home.
That was the dream.
“What does it mean?” asked Liz.
Jen replied, “Since I work there, it must be a Temple of Golden Wisdom. The dentist is one who fixes teeth so a patient can chew food properly and take in its nutrition. And nutrition is love.”
The doctor? The ECK Master Gopal Das.
And the little Mexican man? Liz liked Mexicans, because they had always been good to her.
Out of the blue, Liz added that she had just joined a prayer group. “I like them,” she said, “and they like me.” She had been looking for something like that for a while, although she felt uncomfortable with the way they prayed for people.
That tidbit was the missing link to the dream’s interpretation.
Jen concluded, “The prayer group is the little Mexican car. Their consciousness is too small for you; they can’t get you home to God.”
Liz accepted all this. The dream had left her surprisingly happy. Jen was equally so, for she knew that her sister had put herself into the Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ’s hands, and she would never, ever regret it.
Indeed, love does drive Soul on.
—Sri Harold Klemp

What key ECK phrases or axioms bolster your confidence and your focus on the goal of God-Realization? You may want to write them down and contemplate on each one. What is its deep meaning for you?
Your dreams may give you new insights to stay the course.
“You are fit enough.”
—Sri Harold Klemp.
Sometimes it takes a strong Will to attain an ECK seminar.
It happened a few years ago. With my seminar registration secured, all I needed was the Will to embark on an ECK World Wide journey.
Hurricane was passing through my area of the countryside.
It was raining constantly.
Roads were covered with flood water.
As I drove to the airport, visibility was challenging.
A distance of over one hundred miles stood between me and the airport.
With only one hour remaining, there was no mathematical chance of catching my flight. Fallen trees occupied the roads. Everything in nature seemed to work against me.
At this point my car was floating like a boat.
I had lost control.
My goal now was to survive and avoid getting drowned.
For the first time, I thought about discontinuing the seminar.
So I asked the MAHANTA for help.
Though nothing is too late for the MAHANTA, but already, I was on top of a bridge surrounded by rushing flood water.
My car was at the verge of being swept into the river.
Suddenly an eighteen wheel truck came out of a nearby bush and slowed down the rushing flood.
A mysterious surge of energy passed through me.
With renewed vigor, I determined to press on.
I noticed that some of the familiar road landmarks were missing.
Surprisingly, I found myself boarding the airplane as the very last passenger.
A miracle indeed!
Somewhere at the back of my mind, I wondered if the ECK had collapsed time and space to make this impossible journey, possible.
I couldn’t comprehend it all.
Only the Godman knew what a struggle it had been.
A few months later, I received a pink slip.
If you know what I mean.
“Once we have achieved any degree of spiritual development in ECK, It takes over our lives and guides us through the obstacles of the lower worlds with a deftness that defeats all the negative forces at work against us. “
—Paul Twitchell.
The Spiritual Notebook, page 57.
Thank you MAHANTA for your everything.
“All in God’s good time”is a favourite of mine as well as “if you look for results you are in the materialistic worlds”
This allows me to do what I can and then move on. A farmer plants the fields but he doesn’t spend the rest of the season sitting watching the crops grow.
Thank Z
walking with the Mahanta all the way home is a gift i will always cherish
Wow! This is one of the most beautiful wonders of love I have heard.
It’s always a marvel to see a familiar thread in Chelas’ experiences whenever the Master shares these experiences. There is always something to instantly relate and connect to; to inspire.
I recall one daily inspiration quote in which the Mahanta describes dreams as a “mirror” (my understanding) that lets you know how you are doing spiritually.
And guess what! I fret when I can’t remember my dreams but lack the will to make a habit of writing them down as soon as they occur, still fresh when I wake up. For some time now, whenever I decide to visit the post office, I become expectant of the pink slip in my mail box. Again and again, this unfulfilled desire leaves me dejected, wondering about how unworthy or how spiritually fit I am for the next step.
But after reading stories like Jen’s own, often shared by the Master, I can’t help but be reminded that all is as it should be, all in God’s time, all driven by the wonders of love. Thus I must learn to be contented, to refrain from interference after acceptance of ‘May The Blessings Be; submitting to the will of the Mahanta, the Eck, and the SUGMAD.
Thank you, dear Mahanta, for your love and nick-of-time confidence building and inspirational nuggets.
Hello Master,
Congratulations the new year.
I love you and the new consciousness you give me these days. I’m examining the three qualities of the Sugmad, Nowness, Hereness and Isness, so I can feel IT more. Since ten years ago my attention was on Nowness. It brought me to the Sound of Eck. Now I’m trying to live in the second quality, Hereness. Being and living here, not there or otherwhere. I think it would be the God’s throne that when Soul sits on it, can be touch the third quality, Isness or the situation of “I AM.”
However, there is always a vast gulf between knowing something and living in it. I’m at the first step of building the house of God-consciousness, and you are the supervising engineer, to make sure that it is built firmly.
Thank you for your helps… ?
“Once one has learned the secrets of ECK at the feet of the Mahanta and is enlivened with the life impulses received from him, it is no longer essential to be in constant physical association with him. The chela will have inner association with him anywhere and everywhere.”
—Shariyat-kI-Sugmad, Combined Books One & Two
Page 285-286.
Responding to the question, “what key ECK phrases/axioms bolster my ECK journey?,” I’d have to say the books Spiritual Exercises for the Shariyat Book One and Two have been invaluable for supplying fresh new words and approaches for contemplations and Friday Fasts. One word I’ve enjoyed using as a chant and contemplation seed is Samadhana, defined as a state of joy beyond all doubts, which is found in the Eckankar Lexicon. All three of these books provide almost limitless ways to expand and inject new vitality into my spiritual practices. They are exciting sources; I’m so grateful for these additional spiritual tools!
Thank you, Carol, for sharing the word (Samadhana) and reminding me to revisit the Spiritual Exercises for the Shariyat Book One and Two for spiritual inspiration and a creativity booster shot ?!
I enjoyed studying both books in Satsang classes some time ago.
The exercises helped me connect with the wonderous, ever-flowing Sound Current of the Shariyat ?. I felt Love in new, profound ways.
Yes SASA! It is all so exciting, isn’t it?! Thanks for supporting my comment with your own lovely experiences…
Spiritual Confidence