What inner work would best support the Satsang Society?
You know how to ask a tough question! Let’s look at it.
The ECK Satsang Societies operate under the inner and outer guidance of the Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ, the Living ECK Master. The RESA does his or her level best to ensure that the teachings and practices of ECKANKAR are faithfully carried out according to his wishes. The way to do this is to follow the guidelines the Living ECK Master issues from the ECKANKAR Spiritual Center.
So, you see, your outer work is largely what best supports an ECK Satsang Society.
Yet, as you suggest, there is also an inner side to it. This part is crucial. It is crucial because it centers directly upon the Spiritual Exercises of ECK. They are all-important. The spiritual exercises are the key to how effectively you can meet the broad array of situations that crop up.
In a nutshell, then, your own personal practice of the Spiritual Exercises of ECK is the best inner work you can do to support the ECK Satsang Society.
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Thank you for your constant inner and outer guidance. Sometimes we’re asked to clarify that we chant only HU when together in groups. Is it permitted to chant other holy words in certain circumstances, e.g., at chela retreats?
Also, I’ve heard that some use the HU chant to get ECKists’ attention so a meeting can start, and others hold hands while singing HU. I’ve researched where you’ve written about chanting but welcome any further understanding.
Please stick to HU for group chanting that includes initiates of levels one to four. Also, sing HU in groups of Higher Initiates mixed with those levels or that include newcomers.
The idea of holding hands while singing HU is a psychic, social practice. It is not to be done. It is pure astral, a splitting away from the high, clear teachings of ECK. Those who do it mean well, but they’re misguided.
You also mention that some use the HU chant to get the attention of ECKists before a meeting. The HU chant does, indeed, spiritualize the group consciousness, and it sets the right tone for the meeting. But it is a mistake to use it as a controlling factor to bring order to the room.
The leader should instead announce in a clear voice that the meeting is about to start. Would everyone please find a seat so the HU chant may begin.
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Some initiates seem to incorporate other “truths” into ECKANKAR discussions. Any suggestions on how to get them back on track, at least at ECKANKAR functions?
At present, we usually exclude them as speakers.
Your policy to exclude them is a sound practice. Some people prove themselves unable to discriminate between what is or is not suitable at an ECK event. They want to impress others with their “wisdom.”
Even some speakers at major seminars toss in a pet interest, after being advised to keep it ECK. Later, when asked to explain, they are baffled by the reproach. They could not, or would not, understand.
Look for other positions for them to fill, like an usher, or perhaps one who sets up chairs for an ECK event.
Keep ECK presentations ECK.
What motive drives people who introduce pet interests into ECK presentations? It may be to impress others with their broad knowledge. Or a desire to “juice up” the basic ECK message. Or to win the social approval of their audience. Vanity on display.
In reality, they dilute the ECK teachings.
So stick with the ECK guidelines, as you’ve so wisely done.
—Sri Harold Klemp

Every Soul thirsts for the Light and Sound of God. Keeping ECK events on track via the guidelines helps the true ECK message glide more seamlessly into the inner bodies where Soul meets the Inner Master.
Every so often, review Spiritual Duties of the ECK Volunteer. Then watch your dreams and contemplations. You may find yourself invited to lead a Satsang on these guidelines in a Golden Wisdom Temple.
“Keep ECK presentations ECK.”
-Sri Harold Klemp.
Remember the aim of life.
Soul be thyself.
It is not necessary anymore to join the crowd in order to belong.
Why not belong to the light and Sound of God?
Spiritual inertia cannot hold.
In the center of Now, Soul dwells.
Though calm like an observer, Soul remains an eternal actor in the theater of life.
Experience is the face of Spirit.
Soul as a unit of awareness is still subject to illusion.
Consider the light of Soul that is contained within the Sound.
The Supremacy of the MAHANTA is a universal fact.
Now consider the Sound Current from God.
ECK is the seed of life.
A Sound so sweet as to be enjoyable, and still so profound as to be magnetic.
Effort is needed for liberation into the Divine Force called God.
Soul shall grab the Sound Current through the MAHANTA.
The Sound that carries Soul back into Heaven.
Soul is like a child raised by a tiger in a troubled planet.
Upon the spiritual shoulders of the MAHANTA, Soul stands.
Enjoy the spiritual exercises of ECKANKAR.
Embrace the endurance of the ancient.
And emulate the dignity and sweet humility of the ECK Masters.
Thank you MAHANTA for the teachings of ECK.
Reviewed this post with interest. Speaking less and listening more popped onto my inner screen as I read it. With appreciation to those leaders who help the love keep flowing.
“In a nutshell, then, Your own personal practice of the Spiritual Exercises of ECK is the best inner work you can do to support the ECK Satsang Society”
This is where I have found joy and guidance in my life, and in the course of my preparation for ECK Satsang Classes.
Thank you Mahanta and the wonderful ECK Leaders for this beautiful update.
With the world turmoil, I am reminded that Kal is struggling to claim as many souls as possible. Yet the shining splendor of the Mahanta’s love leads us through the fog of illusion if we listen and trust him. This blog is a good reminder not to be caught up in illusions. The Mahanta gives his love, the HU, and the spiritual exercises to build our strength to be co-workers. In gratitude…
Some thirty or so years ago, I had this dream in which I was clambering down from a mountain top. Below me, hordes of adults were shuffling around. Excited at what I saw up on the mountain, I delightfully screamed my discovery of the Light of God repeatedly to their hearing.
But guess what. No one paid attention to me. I was stunned as I walked through them in the opposite direction. So you see, I failed to be the HU because I submitted to my physical senses as pillars of support to spread the word.
That experience has shaped my desire to be a Arahata such that reticence is quick to set in whenever I get the nudge to speak of an ECK principle or guidance to non-ECKists.
This talk by the Master emphasizes the glory and shine of inner guidance – at your fingertips from diligent practice of the spiritual exercises – in responding to the ECK’s nudge to point out a way for seekers that you have been placed to support as the right hand of the Mahanta in the glorious journey back home to God.
Thankfully, I am beginning to understand the importance of trusting the inner – enriched by consistency in the practice of the spiritual exercises of ECK – for a proper response to encounters with seekers even as I believe that the ECK will never put me in a situation beyond my capacity to handle – with ITs help, of course!
I should add that I wonder whether the revelations of these higher truths to all cadres of seekers now is indicative of the speed up of spiritual consciousness in this world at this time.
Thank you, dear Mahanta. Please keep fit.
For me the new guidelines are spiritual gold in this golden age and are one of the ways you have revitalised the outer teachings of Eckankar.
They are a true structure, as you define it in Purpose of the Arts
“once an artist creates a true structure, then divine love can pour into it and make it a living thing of beauty.” A Modern Prophet Answers Your Key Questions about Life Book 2 . p.206
The structure of the guidelines allows us the freedom to be ourselves and put all the small units together, working with the Inner Master, to create presentations from the heart, that will carry the blessings of the Light and Sound of God out into the world. Thank you, Mahanta, for your inspiration and unconditional love.
I am grateful to read these wonderful questions and inspiring responses. Thank you MAHANTA.