Since truth can only be caught, could you share some tools and techniques to perpetually expand one’s capacity to listen—particularly to help truth seekers open their hearts to better catch the truth?
The stamp of one’s character is nestled in the seemingly obscure words Anything you do is everything you do.
Uncloaked a layer, it reads Do what you do, do well.
The key to catching truth is loving what we do, no matter how humble. “Loving” means to become absorbed in chores, duties, recreations, interests, and ECK contemplations.
When you lose yourself in an activity, a light contemplative state can result. Understandings often come to the fore.
The key to catching truth, again, is simply to love what we do. That’s the best guidance for any truth seeker.
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A group of chelas in a Satsang class were discussing the question of love. Here is what they asked me, and I wonder if you could provide the answer: “It is clear that the ECK cannot/should not be directed. But for example, in the instance of a troubled or sick friend or relative, can one offer a blessing of love?”
The question behind the question is how to be a clear channel for the ECK.
The point of true love is to give freedom to another, not restricting the individual in any way. Now, a health-care professional is on safe ground because the one in need comes to the healer for help, thus giving permission.
There is a developing science called energy healing. It is done either hands-on or remotely.
Using this method, trained healers simply act like a water pipe, which, of itself, is empty. So these healers are clear channels, simply open to the ECK Current, which flows through them like water.
They let their own energy interchange with the patient’s, while also recognizing a third, higher energy, the source of the human ones. No attempt is made at diagnosis. Where, however, is there an energy blockage, and can it be smoothed out?
For most people, though, it means touching, holding another’s hand, or massaging. Pick up and hug a crying child, for instance.
A loved one at a distance will benefit most if you see him or her in your inner vision and fill yourself with love. That is all.
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You have spoken many times about ECK Mastership and God-Realization. What are the steps I can take each day that will bring me to the heart of God in this present life? I’d like to look back at this life and know I have given my heart totally to love and service.
The Living Word, Book 3, speaks of your very concern. In “Behind the Scenes with Paul Twitchell,” it tells what the ECK Masters do. They “pursue their missions with simplicity and grace. They reverberate to the Music of God. It compels their every impulse and deed.”
Let everything you do be done with all your love and attention.
Love will carry you into new places of service. For example, three octogenarians, all with real health problems, are on call, around the clock, to greet soldiers leaving for combat or returning from it. They go to their airport, a major embarkation center, to shake hands with soldiers before their next departure.
These deeds of kindness give the octogenarians a sense of making the most of their remaining days.
There are countless other ways to make a difference in the lives of those in need, wealthy or poor, weak or strong. Mainly, do what you like to do. Put all your love there.
This is a proven way to advance spiritually.
—Sri Harold Klemp

Each of these Q&As describes a unique action of divine love. Does one especially light up for you?
Take it into contemplation to explore its importance for you today.
I declared my self a Vahana. In the afternoon a young man that had stopped by before to sell a local internet provider, said that when he was here last time my kindness and honesty had made his day.
He wanted to share some experiences. He started the first with you probably think I am crazy. When I validated his adventures as spiritual experiences he shared several more.
I listened with an open heart.
He gladly accepted a HU card. He said he was going to access the Soul Adventure as a guest. Thank you for using me to connect to a Mahanta’s own.
After a brief shopping in a grocery store, I headed for the exit door. An employee of the store was standing next to the door looking worried. I was feeling happy and ready to start a conversation, without knowing why. Then an opportunity presented itself. I saw an electronic device laying on top of a trash can. “Did someone forget an equipment right here?” I pointed at the trash can.
The worried employee started smiling. She thanked me profusely, while repeating that she had been looking for that electronic device.
“Let everything you do be done with all your love and attention. ” Sri Harold Klemp.
Even washing a dish or bowl can be a spiritual moment of simplicity and quiet joy; the soapy water, a clean and shiny surface, a full attention to the task. Sometimes I imagine I’m in a Golden Wisdom Temple washing up teacups. A quiet happiness ensues — from my kitchen to an inner temple. Some of my most contented moments happen in the kitchen during food preparation, and clean up. Timeless, everyday activities. Everywhere is Holy Ground.
Je suis arrivée au boulot ce matin avec une folle envie de me connecter sur le site d’ECKANKAR et de lire quelque chose. Après avoir relu le Monde mystique de mars 2021, j’ai fait un court chant du HU et je suis allée sur la page Spiritual leadership pour lire l’article ” les moyens éprouvés de l’amour”. Après cette lecture, un oiseau est venu près de mon bureau et a commencé par chanter. J’étais tellement contente. C’est ce son d’oiseau que j’entends tous les matins me signaler le moment de contemplation lors de mon chant du HU matinal. Merci Mahanta de me manifester encore en ce moment ton amour. Que les bénédictions soient.
Today my wife was telling me of a conversation she had with a friend about healing. Her friend had recently completed a Reiki course as an adjunct to her massage therapy service.
She had mentioned to my wife that she would pray for and reach out to heal people. They were in essence discussing whether it was appropriate to do healings without the awareness of the person. The response to the Satsang’s class question was very helpful.