Have you ever observed the nature of miracles? Rather, have you noticed who sees them and who does not?
Some people do; most people don’t. Why do you suppose that is? Of course, you know the answer. Here you would like to say, “Why, it’s elementary, my dear Harold. Some people enjoy a state of consciousness that allows them to notice miracles. Others just aren’t there yet.”
And you would be right! That is because miracles happen all the time. Life, in fact, is a miracle, from beginning to end, forever.
So the wonder of miracles is really no wonder at all. What is a wonder, however, is that some people actually can observe them. Again, the wonderful thing is how some enjoy a state of consciousness so finely tuned that many miracles uncloak for their eyes.
A year before I mentioned J. Allen Boone’s Kinship with All Life at an ECK seminar, an ECKist got a chance to see how the Spirit of God links all living creatures.
“Jessica” had come home tired after work one day. She was hardly in the mood to deal with a huge, Texas-sized fly that greeted her in the kitchen. It was buzzing and jumping around the kitchen windows. Its message was clear: “Let me outside!”
Tired, and upset by the huge fly, Jessica said out loud, “If there were a cat in this house, you’d be a buzzing cat toy.”
No sooner had she uttered those unkind words than she regretted them.
“Look,” she said, “I just want to get you to the front door so you can be outside and be free.”
At those words, the fly took off across the room. It flew straight to the front door and waited patiently until Jessica came over, opened the door, and let it out. Everything was so natural. An ordinary person might never have thought to let this little after-work drama play out in this way.
A flyswatter would have spoiled everything. The fly was there for a reason.
Joan is very good at going with the flow of ECK. It is the reason she seldom seems to get upset. Delays, unexpected interruptions—these and all other occurrences outside the ordinary, all these things she regards as entries in the Mahanta’s day planner.
For example, on occasion we will miss a freeway exit while on the way to an appointment. “There must be a reason,” she says philosophically. “It’s put us on a different schedule.”
And that’s that!
Or, we will be at home, going about our usual routine, when some uncommon alarm sounds. What’s the message? she wonders.
Her attitude reflects a complete trust in the Mahanta. Everything is in its rightful place.
When people come to you with some wrinkle in their life that seems beyond ironing out, explore with them how their problem might really be a cloud with a silver lining. A blessing! A gift of the Master!
You have plenty of occasions, I am sure, to help people through the mud puddles in their life. If you can help them see, you will perform a great spiritual service for them.
Miracles? They do go like this, don’t they?
—Sri Harold Klemp

Trusting the ECK opens our eyes to the ever-present “silver linings.”
Let your trust and confidence in the Mahanta help you share just the right words of encouragement with others.
Wonderful examples of careing.
I am grateful for this blog, wonderful stories and contemplation seeds. Thank you
This remind me of :
“-Love the gift of life.
“-Know that ECK is love.”
from ECK Essentials, p.34 written by Sri Harold Klemp.
Thank you, Mahanta.
Thank you so much! I was feeling a bit glum this morning. This message helped me to get back on track and reminded me of my own encounter with insect life.
Many years ago, I had taken my journal to a nearby park on the Blue Ridge Parkway. The park has an enclosed shelter with an open doorway with a large open window beside it and benches mounted on all four walls. I sat beside the doorway and under the window and did a short contemplation and started to write in my journal.
I heard a loud buzzing and saw a bumblebee across from me. It was under the benches facing the wall and buzzing along the perimeter of the shelter. How odd, looks like a waking dream. Well, I thought, I really think you’ll have to hit me on the head with this one for me to understand.
Ha….guess what happens next? The bumble bee turns and makes a very fast beeline right for my head. I held up my journal to protect my face…and…bam…it crashed into it then it calmly buzzed out the window beside my head….. haha…. The Eck has a sense of humor.
The message? Well for one the Mahanta gives me what I request…. the other, my attention was in the wrong place …. I wasn’t going to be able to get out of the enclosure by focusing under the benches, go to the window…..
Every time I read some experiences shared I realize how precious it is to be an Eckist and at Eck service. Miracles happened in our daily life. Like the Mahanta said it, He is always with us and me. It helps me to believe that whatever happens there must be a doorway of solution close by to overcome the situation.
Mahanta saved my daughter’s life the time I was giving birth to her. That day I really realized miracles are everyday and everywhere. And” HU” is a powerful prayer…
Thank you Mahanta.
Thanks a lot! This story reminds me to not take the simplest moments in my life for granted. Indeed there is always a “golden” lining; a blessing in disguise.
I love the way I will read a story like this from the Master and I either remember a similar experience in my life, which confirms mine, or I will have a similar one later, which allows me to try out the principle! It also shows me that we are connected in being living examples of spiritual learning: miracles are real and we speak a common language of divine love in relaying them.
A few years ago, I was just settling into bed after a long tiring work day. A little fly started buzzing around my bedside lamp. I was worried he would keep me from the sleep if I didn’t get him out of the room. Getting a fly swatter or the other usual methods for getting rid of him were too much effort, plus I really didn’t want to kill him. I might have started talking to him kindly about leaving; I don’t remember exactly. But what I do remember is that he eventually landed on the ECK book on my bedside table. Smoothly and gently, with my attention on my love for him as Soul, I picked up the book. He stayed put as I carefully made my way, HUing silently as I walked, from my bed to the front door. I opened it and he flew off into the night.
Thanks for this opportunity to share on the new blog!
How wonderful! So many miracles! This morning I just read this same article in the book 2 Wisdom from the Master on Spiritual Leadership! … I thought: this is the way to live… Gracefully… Following the rythm of the Ocean of Love and Mercy. The next chapter of the book titled Your Golden Opportunities, I was happy to start my day knowing that, for sure, many are all around me, always, life is a great adventure! And now with the nudge to come here and see this wonderful article! I am blessed! Mahanta I love you and I am so grateful for your love and guidance! thank you xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Life is good, thanks for this new blog
Harji, I’m like Joan with spiders. But there is a very small spider that can’t be picked up without being smashed. So, I send him West!
I need flies to stay away, but a misplaced spiderweb on the porch means eviction, even when the late morning light makes a beautiful pattern, barely visible.
(With a smile!) I suppose people and experiences need cleaning!
I love you, Z!
I had a little animal miracle myself the other day…
I was sitting on my front porch with my nose buried in a good book when I heard the familiar sound of a squirrel “talking”. Looking up, I saw that the squirrel was standing at the edge of my porch, just a couple of feet in front of me. Odd that it would be so brave as to call attention to itself in such close proximity to a human… After we made eye contact, he scampered off to the safety of a nearby tree. Hmmm… I went back to my book. Shortly, I heard the squirrel chattering again. This time, upon looking up, I saw the squirrel standing up on its two hind legs on the stoop next to the stairs of my porch. Again, at a fairly close range. Now, I’m intrigued and paying close attention to this little Soul. It just stood there calmly eyeballing me, obviously trying to capture my attention. I started to talk to it in a soft and gentle voice, greeting it and asking what it was up to. Then I started to sing HU, curious to see its reaction. It soon ran back to the tree, but paused again to look back at me before running off.
It occurred to me that this may be the squirrel I had “rescued” years before when, as a baby, it fell down my chimney and got stuck in my house. I had been able to guide it out the front door to the safety of the outside without too much drama at the time. I had always wondered if it remembered me and was thankful for my help. I sure was thankful to have been able to help it out in its time of need.
Was it even physically possible that this large adult squirrel could be the same one I had helped in its youth? Google provided some answers… Yes, squirrels in the wild can live many years, and they can also recognize humans due to their intellect!
I’m choosing to receive this sweet little encounter as a miracle of thanks from one soul to another!
In the 40+ years since I stepped onto this path I’ve experienced countless miracles, so many I think I’ve grown accustomed to them. I guess I could say that they’re so much a part of day to day living now I find myself expecting them to happen not only to me but in the lives of those I’m close to.
There’s a certain beauty and peace to that state of consciousness that would be hard to describe.
One thing I’m sure of is the connection between our daily spiritual exercises and the flow of spirit that makes miracles possible, perhaps inevitable.
I believe it’s all about love.
My son Peter is staying with us temporarily until his broken relationship resolves by his girlfriend moving out and he could return to his home. He came in rush in an emergency situation so his supply of underwear is limited.
Other day, his laundry was not finished yet and he decided suddenly that he needs to leave and get a mail at his place. I argued that it is cold outside and he was left with the shorts to wear only. For some reason, he didn’t want to wait and left. I said to myself, he is driving and will be in the comfort of his car…I let it go.
Peter was taking too long but I thought that he maybe stopped by to get a coffee. When he came home he said that he was hit by an adult/full size deer straight on in the middle of the street where you wouldn’t expect it. Deers live in the parks in our beautiful city. He said that the deer made double turn in the air and crashed on the ground. Peter turn to the side street and call 911. When he went back on the main street, the deer was gone nowhere to be seen. We will never know if it survived for sure but it was well enough to walk away.
My son Peter survived without a scratch which I see as a miracle and for that I will be grateful to Mahanta for ever. People could die in collisions with deers, animals usually end up in the cabins of the cars, injuring drivers and passengers.
The car didn’t survive, the damage under the hood was too much to repair. Thank you Mahanta for protecting me and my family. By the way, this is third car of Peter’s which was totalled. He was involved in 2 other serious car accidents previously – without his fault and he was never injured at all.
It is very obvious that he is working out some karma and with Mahanta’s help, it is going pretty safely.
Thank you Mahanta, I love you.
About 12 years ago, I was missing my husband terribly following his translation after a short battle with cancer. I couldn’t seem to stop crying. I decided to go out to my deck, sit on our swing and quietly sing HU to myself. Often times the song of HU and the song of the birds would help.
After singing HU on the deck with my eyes closed for 15 minutes, I felt a big thump. I opened my eyes to see a very large white dog sitting next to me. It looked into my eyes, and I could feel his love as he laid his head down on my lap. It truly filled my heart with love! I talked and petted him for about 15 minutes, before his owner found him with me.
His owner apologized to me and said that he didn’t understand why he was sitting with me on the swing. He further stated that he usually stays away from people. I knew without a doubt, that the Mahanta had sent him. He was a miracle sent to me, to help heal my broken heart!
I am forever grateful for your love and guidance, Mahanta!
Thank you for this wonderful example. I have actually had the experience of missing a turn off and found it actually saved me from an accident for which I thanked the Mahanta for the protection. Trusting in the guidance of the Inner Master that we are protected is paramount. We just sold our business and the monies are not flowing in as they have been which was of a concern to me because I believe we must all pay our way in this world. The Golden Tongue of Wisdom spoke to me through my wife who said “you need not worry everything will be fine.” Everything is falling into place since I relaxed and realized that everything is as it should be.
A great example of listening to inner voice at each step and saved the fly and also gave the fly freedom and more time to explore more spheres.