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At home Joan and I regularly leave little reminders lying about to help us remember some task or another. For example, it may be a blank notepad, a reminder to reorder a new supply of notepads. It might also be a supplement bottle standing upside down: replace or reorder. Again, it may be a fish or a chicken drawn on a bit of paper, stuck on the counter overnight, a clear signal to cook the appropriate item next morning.

You undoubtedly have your set of reminders too. They help us recall important things.

And so, a reminder is also in order about all the good that the teachings of ECK achieve. That good is why we are here. These teachings can ease troubled hearts through their dark nights of Soul.

In this regard, let me tell you the story of “Joy,” whose husband, “Curtis,” was set to translate after their many years of happiness together. He had had a difficult time near the end, suffering much. Then he passed on. Joy’s empty arms often cried. But time, surprisingly, does heal all wounds, to a degree.

Was it the poet Robert Frost who once said that, no matter what, life goes on? Frost spoke from the pain of experience. He had had many sorrows.

Alone now, Joy nevertheless kept up her regular practice of the Spiritual Exercises of ECK.

Her dog woke her one night, wanting to go outside. Then, as is Joy’s custom, she did a spiritual exercise and enjoyed the Light and Sound of ECK. She further recounted her blessings to the Mahanta, thanking the Inner Master for all of them, including both the good and bad.

Finally, she told Curtis how much she loved him and always would.

A small voice, at that point, said, “Would you like him back the way he was?” The way he was? Oh, no! She thought back to the day he sat in his easy chair at home and said, “I can’t breathe!” Soon after, he received a heart valve transplant.

So Joy, in response to the still, small voice, replied, “He is where he belongs!”

Then a special Soul Travel experience began.

She thought herself in bed at home, when she felt the presence of a man in her bedroom. Maybe it’s my son with a problem, she supposed.

However, it was Curtis, her husband of fifty-two years. They fell into each other’s arms. How good to see him! How wonderful to enjoy his embrace again.

After a while, Curtis looked off to one side. She followed his gaze and was startled to see that it was not her bedroom at all. It was more beautiful by far. One whole wall was of glass, overlooking a patio. An expanse of green lawn, lush trees, and manicured hedges afforded privacy to the bedroom.

Seeing such beauty, Joy thought, The green fields of heaven!

In the next instant, a man in a baseball uniform came to the sliding glass door on a second wall. She recognized the Mahanta.

He and Curtis had to leave; Joy was to remain. The two joined a group of people she knew to be his friends. She called out softly after them, “Could we do this again?” But before anyone could answer, she found herself back on planet Earth.

She lay awake the rest of the night, reliving their joyous reunion. “My cup runneth over!” Joy says. “There is no describing my happiness.”

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So you see how very important it is for us to tell people about the teachings of ECK.

—Sri Harold Klemp

What image would you draw to remind yourself that you want to share ECK during your day? This will involve more than is seen on the surface.

Enjoy this time with the Inner Master!