In the early days of the automobile, car owners put their cars up on blocks during the winter. Cars broke down all too frequently then, and the roads were well-nigh impassable.
The winter roads in South Dakota, a northern state of the Midwest, were especially bad then, so it was reasonable to assume that car dealerships there would certainly shut down until spring. But such was not always the case.
The Ford Motor Company’s first sales manager was surprised to see orders continuing to come in from that state, which suffers from a most inhospitable wintry clime. Upon investigation, he learned that the small dealer was an unsophisticated young man. The naive lad did not know he was not expected to sell cars in winter. So he did.
Impressed by the young man’s example, the sales manager got after the other salesmen, and within a few years, January had become the peak month for sales.
What had prompted the young sales dealer?
Well, he was a car salesman, and a salesman’s job was to sell cars. From that came his nudge.
It is much the same for an ECK Vahana, a missionary for the Light and Sound of God. One who is a Vahana, however, answers to a much higher call. He’s not looking out for his own interests. Instead, he is telling others about the ECK teachings and the HU because of love for the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master.
Such was the case of this ECKist whom I will call Susan.
Recently, she and her husband traveled to Canada to attend their daughter’s wedding. A reception was to follow the ceremony. The couple arrived at the reception center very early. After an hour’s wait, Susan was tired, hungry, and anxious.
Then she got a strong nudge from the Mahanta to go to the ladies’ room.
There, an attendant watched Susan applying makeup. “How beautiful you are,” she said. She shared tips on how to apply eyeliner. Then she even offered to apply it.
Did Susan want a stranger touching her face?
“All right,” Susan said, following her inner guidance, “but you must wash your hands first.”
Faida, the attendant, began to apply Susan’s makeup. The women then made eye contact, and Susan could feel the love flowing between them. The Mahanta’s presence was very strong.
Conversation revealed that Faida was from Lebanon. She was most grateful for the move to Canada last year, but she sorely missed her home. “So much turmoil between Israel and Beirut!” she exclaimed. “Why do people fight? War, always war. Will it ever end? We’re all the same, aren’t we?”
Susan got a nudge from the Mahanta to hold off on comments like “This is a warring universe.” She was to continue listening.
Faida spoke of her family, those in Canada and those still in Lebanon.
The Mahanta then nudged Susan to ask, “Do you believe in God?”
“Yes, but not separating Christians, Jews, Buddhists from one another.” She added, “All under one God. I’m Christian, but something’s not . . .” She could not put words to what she was not receiving from her faith.
After a bit, Susan was able to offer Faida some ECK books and a HU: A Love Song to God CD. Faida was grateful for the gifts.
“I knew there was something beautiful inside you too,” she said.
Nudges. Follow them. This holds true whether you are in sales or serving the Mahanta.
—Sri Harold Klemp

How can you make a habit of catching the Mahanta’s nudges?
Today, ask for a chance to speak with another Soul, from your heart, on whatever the Inner Master guides you to share about your love for life, for ECK, or for HU.
Tip: Do this often!
I love this story! Thank you for this.
I appreciate this opportunity to read a new blog; learned about it in the new March MYSTIC WORLD online copy, today. In fact, I followed a “nudged” on an impulse to share the HU with a person who’d looked me up about a question regarding her grandfather, and my grandmother who married later in life, and were on a cruise when he took ill and died in a foreign country.
Having absolute trust and inner reliance on the Master I can always listen and catch the Masters nudge.
The doubt may arise, but if I can snap immediately and realize the Master will always lead me in the right direction then I can always listen and have great choices.
The above story is eye-opening especially for one who has a constant need to share the ECK message. The addition of the spiritual exercise “How can I make a habit of catching the Mahanta’s nudges as a clear vehicle for ECK on daily basis?” is a good start from the inner to the outer.
Thanks for sharing the experience.
Thank you, I love these stories! It is a privilege to read and learn from these pure, fresh, articles that are newly available. Inner chords vibrate in harmony with the Master’s words, and unspoken, correlated images find fulfilling validation.
Following a nudge, I texted a friend the other day to share the HU. I questioned the nudge at first because this woman was a very strict Christian who never wanted to hear anything about ECKANKAR or the HU. But I was willing to listen to the Mahanta and serve It as It wanted so I said to the Mahanta, I hear you but how can I share the HU with this woman so she can accept the wisdom and Love it represents knowing her history and views. The Mahanta then smiled and said to share my college experiences with my world religion class and how I studied the word HUMAN this will give her enough to chew on. I then understood the reason for the nudge. It was for me to realize the sincere gift connection that I have with the Mahanta. I asked…he responded. The mind was put back in it’s place and the day went forth much better, grin.
Very simple and educative ways to follow our inner nudges from the Mahanta with result. Thanks for your Love Mahanta; in sharing this stories. May The Blessings Be.
Thank you so much for sharing this story. I don’t always catch nudges sent to me from the Mahanta. This reminds me to follow through with them daily!
Merci pour ce blog et cette histoire me réconforte ,m’inspire et m’encourage.
Récemment j’ai perdue mon travail à cause de mon engagement pour une cause syndicale. Nous avons fait une grève et pour cella j’ai été licencié parmi beaucoup d’autres. Pendant la période où j’étais sans emploie , j’ai pue faire le point sur moi même et j’ai réalisé que je n’avais pas toujours traité mes collaborateurs avec amour et respect en tant que manager mais surtout en tant que collaborateur de Dieu.
Tout récemment j’ai donc demander au MAHANTA un coup de pouce pour avoir un nouveau boulot car je n’arrivais plus à me prendre en main et il l’a fait par l’entremise d’une amie Eckiste qui m’a recommandé quelque part et j’ai obtenue un poste de manager une foie plus.
Alors pour ce nouveaux boulot, j’ai pris la résolution d’être un Vahana et de présenter Eckankar à travers mon attitude en traitant cette fois ci mes collaborateurs avec beaucoup d’amour et aussi de manager en respectant les lois spirituel.
Cette nouvelle façon de faire me remplie moi même de joie et améliore aussi le quotidien de mes collaborateurs. Il y’a de cella quelques temps plusieurs m’ont confiés que mon arrivé leur a redonner l’envie et la motivation de travailler ainsi que le sourire , qu’en à causes de certains événements qui s’étaient déroulés juste avant mon arrivé, il régnait un climat de peur et d’incertitude. Cella m’a rempli de joie et j’ai compris que c’était un message du MAHANTA qui m’exhortait à continuer dans cette lancée
J’essaie donc de faire de chaque journée une journée réussi et désormais je compte aussi faire l’exercice donner par le maitre dans le monde mystique de mars pour continuer à me remplir d’amour.
Je guette aussi constamment une occasion de parler du HU
Je remercie le maître pour cette belle opportunité qui m’est offerte. Je ferai de mon mieux
I feel so blessed!!! Thank you Mahanta for your love, your guidance and your protection!!!
I work for a government agency that has offices that cover the entire province where I live. I had discovered that a fellow worker had lost her son in an accident. I put together some ECK materials including HU The Most Beautiful Prayer. I did not know when I would see her, but when I attended a work conference a couple of days later, she was parking her car near mine. During the conference I had an opportunity to drop off the items and have a very brief conversation with her, The conference ended and I did not see her before I left nor at any time (now more than a year later. Despite the strong nudge I got to give these gifts to her, I was surprised I did not hear from her again.
Last month in an office on the same floor as mine I learned that the parents of three of the workers I knew were near death. Again I got the nudge to put together a package of ECK materials, including the HU book. I wrote a letter to their whole office telling how I gained comfort in hard times from the HU. Surprisingly again, I received no comment from anyone.
The whole point of these experiences for me was follow the nudge, but have no expectations about how the gifts of HU will be received. Whatever happens next is between them and the Mahanta.
Thank you for the beautiful story.
Every morning I ask the Mahanta what can I do for love today? Without fail I will have an opportunity to share love and sometimes ECK material with someone. For me, being a Vahana is giving and receiving love. It always brightens my day.
Still trying to be aware of and listen to the Masters nudges.
Some years ago, I invited my neighbor to an ECK Seminar,she did not come. Following a nudge,i took some ECK Brochures, Ancient wisdom for today and a HU card, later I included a letter to deliver to her. A second though came on caution, I asked ” Am I invading her space? Still I went ahead with the intial nudge . That was 7years ago.
Exactly 8 days ago, at about 10:30pm, she called to thank me for something else I sent to her earlier that day and also for the gift of seven years ago. She said that it happened like Telepathy that on that Friday she clearly was directed to the Vahana items and she tried chanting the HU.
Quickly, I tuned in so I could control my emotion and be of better service “Would you like me to show you how to Sing the HU? I asked. Go on she answered. so I showed her how to Sing HU, via the video call. The Mahanta is in constant contact with all Souls that are ready or about to be . Thank you Master with love and gratitude
During the pandemic, I simply don’t get out often so sharing the HU is a precious opportunity that I greatly value. Recently I went to a supermarket early in the morning so I would avoid any crowds. On the way out the door from my home, I received an inner nudge to take two HU cards with me. I thought, “How would there be two opportunities to share the HU?” (Although I find it pointless to ask these questions and it is much better to simply follow the nudge.) After completing my shopping and while at the register, I had a difficult time with the reader accepting the chip on my credit card. There was a lot of joking between me and the check out lady as well as the bagger. I reinserted the chip several times. Finally one of the attendants simply swiped the card for me. Just then a nudge said, “Give them both a HU card…” and now I knew why I had two cards as well as two more “Miracles in Your Life” cards with the Eckankar website. I mentioned to the ladies that I appreciated very much their help and I would like to share an ancient mantra that they may find very helpful in these challenging and stressful times. No one was behind me and I spent a couple of minutes demonstrating the Sound and how to work with It as a spiritual exercise. Their attention was zeroed in on me and they both thanked me kindly for this gift of the HU. I always feel so grateful when I can be a Vahana in this manner!
Nudges are golden. They are how we ride the current of ECK. We flow onwards like the river. Nudges are how we live in the moment. They make the moment golden and gracious. Thank you for this gift.
Beautiful! I can see myself being a cosmic surfer, riding those golden waves and enjoying every moment of it! This ride we are on is pure gold! How lucky we are, how wondrous to be here. And dear Z, our guide, our coach, our everything! MTBB
Thank you this makes my heart sing
Living in the foothills of New England this winter has been challenging with the freeze thaw cycle which leaves the roads and paths spotted with ice hidden under snow. My dogs will alert me when the neighbor down the road checks her mail. The other day after they barked at her arrival I got the nudge to bring them outdoors. I always dress warmly and have spikes on my boots. I felt the Inner Master quicken my steps leading me down the driveway and toward my neighbors leaving the dogs to play in the yard. As I was ascending the hill I saw that she was on the ground sitting up and talking with her back toward me. I started calling out but I was too far for her to hear me. I moved faster and arrived to find her in shorts and a light jacket and one sneaker. I stayed and comforted her but at our age I knew that trying to lift her would be dangerous for both of us. She did not want me to leave her and get help or honk the horn and alert any other neighbors. My dogs where running free in our contained yard and I hoped my husband would check why I was gone so long. We talked of many different things as I was trying to encourage her to help her self. I asked if I should share the HU but I got the nudge not yet. We did talk of the eternal nature of Soul and past lives. We were there for quite a while as the sun continued to set. My husband finally came toward me and I told him to call her husband. I am grateful that the Mahanta sent me to help her and comfort her. With his guidance I can serve others with respect for who they are and their personal beliefs and preferences.
Une très belle histoire; cela me réconforte spirituellement.
Il y a quelques années j’assurais la permanence au centre ECK. Mon petit frère est arrivé et à commencé à me donner des nouvelles de la famille. Je lui ai fait comprendre que je suis en service pour Dieu et qu’on pourra échanger sur les problèmes de la famille quand j’aurai terminé. Je lui ai proposé la lecture d’un livre ECK. (Je lui avais parlé déjà du HU et d’ECKANKAR). Le mois suivant, il est venu avec toute sa famille participer au Dîner avec le Maître. Le Lendemain, il adhérait à ECKANKAR. Un canal pur du Mahanta est une lumière qui indique l’entrée du temple au chercheur qui est déjà touché. Sans parole mon frère et moi nous sommes compris. Le Mahanta était là. Merci.
On several occasions, I had sat down to check out this new blog, but never followed through. This evening I went to bed as usual. Normally, I fall asleep almost immediately, but not this night. As I lied in bed unable to sleep I suddenly had the nudge to get up and open the computer, but I did so with the intention of seeing whether I had received an e-mail from a future client. Well, the client did write, but then came the nudge again to check out this new blog. This time I did follow the inner nudge and I`m so grateful for doing so. Thank you for the nudge and your loving guidance.
The Magic of nudges!! I have found that when you follow through with a nudge on a constant basis they become louder (so to speak) and the moment you begin to question them they start to fade and become more quiet As an example of the reward for following a nudge: We recently lost our second dog and there was a void in our hearts that he had occupied for years. I had asked the Inner Master (the Mahanta) that when the time was right could Spirit send us another Soul to love. Well it did happen… one sunny day I heard something hit our patio window. I had this strong inner nudge to go and check it out so I looked out the window and saw nothing. Another nudge said “Neil go out and take a closer look.” So I did that… I looked around… nothing. “Look under the the table”… another nudge, and there was a small beautiful budgie. I reached down to pick him up and told him “I will not hurt you, let me see that you are fine and not injured.” Fast forward… no one has come to claim him so we have named him Charlie who by the way also has a sister now called Missie. They have brought us so much joy and happiness and I am ever so grateful for the gift of love the Mahanta has sent us. Follow you nudges because they are full of magical surprises for you.