Reports are coming in from ECK chelas about the success they are having in reaching seekers. They credit new methods that you have tried in your areas, with prior approval from the ECKANKAR Spiritual Center, and which the ESC then tested before passing them along to other areas.
Together, we can accomplish miracles.
A powerful Vahana tool still remains stories, from ECKists and guests alike. Stories about the Light and Sound of God. To be sure, seekers can hear the ring of truth in stories, and our guests soon recognize that they are among people who share their dreams of spiritual freedom.
So stories do matter. They confirm that ECKANKAR, the most direct path to God, is actually the superhighway of the SUGMAD.
“Martin” was born into a humble family in southern Nigeria. He was able to read the Bible in English and his native tongue at an earlier age than other children. That drew him closer to pastors and his bishop. However, he began to find disturbing shortcomings in biblical accounts.
St. John’s account in Revelation fascinated him. This holy man told of being in spirit and witnessing many spiritual wonders. So what was Revelation’s shortcoming?
It neglected to tell a reader how to get into the same state and enjoy similar experiences as St. John had.
In another case, Martin noted that what Jesus taught the multitudes about how to pray was general information only. Then he would withdraw with his twelve disciples and teach them more specific ways of communing with God. That done, he would go apart from the twelve with Peter, James, and John. Presumably, he gave them even more private instructions.
Martin was frustrated because these private lessons were largely unrecorded.
All the pastors and even the bishop could not help him there. He was quite disturbed by these apparent shortcomings in the holy scriptures.
So Martin wanted to learn how the heavens would open for him too. He further wished to learn the special prayers of the twelve disciples, those of Jesus’s three favorite disciples, and, if possible, those of Christ too. But he remained an outsider.
A bewildered Martin went to bed one night and had a vivid experience, more real than any dream.
In a churchyard, he saw a globe of very bright Light beam down from the sky and mark a circle the size of a bicycle wheel on the ground. He traced It up to Its source in the sky and saw that It came from a smiling human face.
Martin ran into the church to call to worshippers, who were praying and singing.
“Come and see!” he cried. “The Christ you have been waiting for has come.” Only two men bothered to come back to the spot, where the Light was brighter than ever. However, they saw nothing! To convince them of Its reality, Martin stepped into the circle of Light.
He instantly became a globe of light too. He illuminated distances that cut through to several continents, in a 360° view from his place in the center. Years later, he finally found the Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ, the Living ECK Master—and ECKANKAR. He calls it the superhighway to SUGMAD.
Many seekers are around you. Please help them find this divine superhighway too. That is why you are here, isn’t it?
—Sri Harold Klemp

Look around for those who may have nearly given up hope of ever finding the special prayers, instruction, or teacher that can open the heavens to Soul.
The Master can reveal their desire to you. See what you discover about your special purpose as a Coworker with the Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ.
An eagle’s journey to the mountain top begins with a flap of its wings.
As one becomes more godlike, the little self becomes less domineering.
Reality is found in God consciousness.
When one absorbs more Light and Sound of God, the illusion of the lower world becomes less effective.
Nature rebalances itself.
Divinity is found in the SUGMAD.
As divine love of God expands within us, the passions of the mind tend to neutralize.
Nature abhors vacuum.
Liberation is to be found in the MAHANTA.
When one starts to live more like Soul, one’s tendency to live like a machine is grossly truncated.
Nature renormalizes itself.
Spiritual Freedom is found in ECK.
When I am being myself as a spark of God, my reactions to outer influences cease to dominate.
Nature readjusts itself.
The MAHANTA always has another lesson to teach, just as mountains constantly tell eagles how to fly.
Divine love is the Way.
Power is something we may think we need, until we try to abuse it.
In the words of Sri Paul Twitchell, “the secret of life is No-Power.”
Thank you MAHANTA.
I have to sincerely thank the Master very much for His love, and His natural way of reminding us of those things we were doing before as ECKists that we tend to have forgotten due to lack of discipline and life challenges.
Many thanks to Mahanta for this piece. Its wonderful how open people are this days.
At a recent Vahana outreach program, flyers were shared. This happened on a Friday, the main program which was a Day of ECK, took place on Saturday. On Monday morning two friends called and indicated they found our flyer on the ground at the site of the outreach program. They were interested in knowing more about the teachings of ECK. Yes “Together, we can accomplish miracles”
Thank you Mahanta for your Love.