Over many centuries, you and all of today’s ECK chelas found yourselves in the company of sages, religious teachers, mentors, philosophers, and others. They were a strong influence in shaping you spiritually.
There was always this ember inside you that made you want more. Of what, you did not know.
At some point you cried for help, and the Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ, the Living ECK Master appeared. The distractions and emptiness of existence then began to recede. You were on your way home to God.
Love had finally come, with the Master.
A High Initiate once said he had had many fantastic experiences on the inner planes early on in ECK, but now they were more everyday encounters with ordinary people. He was grateful for them, do not misunderstand. Yet he really wished to remember a meeting with the Inner Master too. It had been so long.
With so many gifts, he longed for one more, once more.
His desire was natural, because his heart was set on returning to the abode of SUGMAD, the Ocean of Love and Mercy. His wish will come true in time.
What remains for one whom the Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ, the Living ECK Master has accepted for the high path of ECK is to live life gladly, in service to God and mankind. In doing so, he or she gathers rich lessons to help achieve love and spiritual perfection.
These are not just words.
The other day I half jokingly said to Joan, “The purpose of living is to keep on living; after that, all things are possible.”
“Sally” and her husband, like you, have seen their share of trouble, stress, and disappointment. Maybe due to that, they are very active ECK Vahanas. They watch for the Master’s signs of when to act and listen for when he speaks.
The couple had taken their vacuum cleaner in for its annual maintenance, but when they returned to pick it up, the cleaner could not be found. Sally called repeatedly. No, it had not been located. More calls and more visits turned into more weeks. No vacuum. In the store helping them was a tall, lanky individual with a very direct, dry sense of humor. They took to him immediately.
Observing what would turn into a long, drawn-out affair, Sally told her husband, “There’s more going on here than meets the eye.”
She was reading the Master’s signs, too obvious to ignore.
Finally, the store gave them a new vacuum. When they were on the sidewalk outside the store, where the man had carried the vacuum to the car, Sally asked, “Are you interested in God, dreams, or spirituality?” He gave a curt yes. She handed him some ECK materials.
On a return visit to adjust the new machine, the man told of his lifelong effort to formulate an approach to life.
His view was simple, very ECK-like: Do not try to force things. Everything happens for a reason.
Please, let me know of a special person you have met as a Vahana. I will try to pass your story along.
—Sri Harold Klemp

As you consider what Vahana encounter to write about, remember that you were likely once such a “special person” to some ECK Vahana.
Does your experience from back then give you an insight on sharing ECK today?
(Someday, your “special person” may be writing the Master about you!)
“His desire was natural, because his heart was set on returning to the abode of the SUGMAD, the Ocean of Love and Mercy. “
—Sri Harold Klemp.
The above quotation is exactly how I see ECKANKAR.
Recently I gave out some ECK books—Ancient Wisdom For Today.
I gave out some of the books to a restaurant, bowling ball club business, massage parlor and a dentist office.
They all accepted the ECK books with thanks.
Service is such a simple thing.
Let’s roll.
“You can’t put ECK into a box. Some say that their experiences with the Light came first while others say the Sound came first. ECK doesn’t follow fixed rules; It’s so large that It spills over our concepts of what It should be. “
—Sri Harold Klemp,
Cloak of Consciousness, page 78.
Thanks for the Wandering Souls article. At work, I’ve announced my coming retirement in a few months and people are asking about my plans for the future, which leave space for open heart conversations.
Thanks for all the love and happiness percolating out of the ECK publications.
In my early years in Eck, I always did a mistake in introducing the Eck teachings to others. The mistake was talking about my past personal experiences in drugs that I used before meeting the Eck, and how the Mahanta rescued me from that dark place.
Three years would pass from my Arahata initiation that this was still my method until the Mahanta helped me to understand about it. I quit talking about my personal past with anyone anymore, especially in times of introducing dear Eck to someone.
This formula had good results, because the newcomer had more time to express themself. And on the other side, I gained a golden opportunity to connect with the Mahanta inwardly, to ask Him how can I help this Soul. Contrary to the past, my heart was open and full of love when using the new method. Our talk usually went toward the newcomer’s problems or interests and I found how to steer the talks to the part of ECK teachings that was about their needs. This recognition was a turning point in my teaching skills that the Mahanta taught me.
* * *
The Mahanta’s directions managed to clean up my past dark experiences so good. ?
Thank you Z for showing me the doorway out of the darkness ?
Mine is more of a general comment about being a Vahana rather than about a specific person. When a spiritual topic comes up the first thing I try to do is find a common ground. Actually I don’t try it just seems to happen. And today there seems to be more common ground than ever.
For example, the thought that there are no coincidence and that everything happens for a reason, seems to be way more prevalent than it was 10 to 15 years ago. The power of gratitude seems to be more generally accepted as well. Trusting in the man upstairs seems to be another common theme. As does the fact that Soul lives on beyond the death of the physical body. And that one can communicate with those who have Departed through dreams and other methods.
These are all great openings for a discussion of the ECK principles or maybe just the discussion of these things are all we do as a Vahana that day.
When I first went to an ECK center some 45 years ago, the thing that stands out to me was that after telling us about karma, reincarnation, Soul Travel, dream experiences, and the like, the gentleman said, “Don’t take my word for it. Try it and find out for yourself whether it’s true.”
And so I did! It’s become a lifelong adventure in discovering inner worlds, the MAHANTA, the Living ECK Master, the inner guidance, and the Divine Love therein that is to be shared with seekers met along the Way.
Recently while in a hospital waiting on my friend to recover from surgery, I took a walk to get a coffee.
At an elevator. I ran into a lady greeting her with love, a smile and ‘How are you doing?’ She started to cry explaining her husband was on a ventilator.
I instinctively gave her a hug and softly said to sing HU (making the sound). I explained it’s a spiritual word to connect you with the love of Divine Spirit and suggested she sing it quietly to her husband. She thanked me with ‘God bless you’ and we went our separate ways.
I’ve learned to trust the inner nudge to share the HU with love and no other expectations in these brief 1 minute encounters.
The message is received Soul to Soul. That’s all that matters ?.