There is such a push today to stir up envy among the masses, the premise being that all should enjoy the same standard of living, merely because they exist.
This push by Kalistic leaders passes over major discrepancies. For example, some people are industrious; others, lazy. A portion will do; a portion won’t. Some are creative; too many do not care to exercise the disciplines of creativity. A scattering are mentally alert; the rest, asleep.
And all somehow deserve the same lifestyle?
What’s wrong with this picture?
It is an attempt by societal leaders to distort real differences among people by standing forth as champions of the underdogs. However, they scheme for influence and power. As “champions,” who would begrudge them more power, more money, large offices, or better homes?
Do those officials not deserve a few amenities for their services to the public good?
How does this struggle concern you? It is an assault on the spiritual principle of the individuality of Soul. You must deal with it and other guises of falsehood like it. The Kal wants to keep as many people in bondage as possible, for as long as possible, as far from the truth of ECK as possible.
By now you know how the Kal’s game is played.
Society’s leaders are Kal agents, whose mission is that of a work crew assigned to the road to spiritual freedom. They work hard.
Diligently, they set up and maintain obstructions like bottlenecks, barriers, and detours. It is a life’s calling. Their purpose is to block and frustrate every expression of independence.
Freethinkers are dangerous!
They behave like the wild cattle that cowboys rousted from thickets before an Old West cattle drive. These solitary cattle were a poor mix with the more docile beefs on grass-rich pastures that had grown up in a herd.
Brush longhorns took unkindly to curbs on their freedom. They spelled trouble. So cowhands kept a careful eye on them.
These untamed outlaw cattle were ever on the lookout to make a break for freedom. But one dash for freedom could result in a stampede, the cowboys worried.
Kalistic rulers, like cowboys, want easy-to-manage herds, not a stampede.
The rulers of Kal have set up multiple diversions to bewilder and occupy the public mind, which is like soft clay on a potter’s wheel. It can be formed into whatever shape the potter desires.
Truth seekers, now spiritually apart in heart from the crowd, are like brush cattle forced in with a bunch of related creatures not to their liking.
They want out!
The Kal and his agents want them in.
A great battle rages in the heart and mind of a seeker. What is truth? Where is truth?
When the seeker finally comes across an ECK presentation, expect to meet a fragile Soul, one who has successfully passed the first tests on his way to mastership. Treat him with love and respect. He, like you, has earned it.
Everything is right with this picture!
–Sri Harold Klemp

Every truth seeker you encounter should expect to find the Master’s welcome in you. How do you express this? How do you show your respect for others?
We as chelas of the MAHANTA have spiritual freedom.
We deserve this freedom of choice in thinking, feeling.
Best of all we can share this freedom by living example.
We are free as Soul – always expressing the highest love.
I read this story on the day after a Canadian election. I stood in front of a beautiful community garden full of kale, tomatoes, hens and much more. I wondered at the fact that nothing was being picked and taken home to enjoy. There was a small convenience store next to it; there was my answer. A man passed in front of a lineup of voters telling them to vote with their hearts and not with their heads. My vote will always be for the Mahanta ✨
Hi. Love you Sri Harold?
What a gift these stories from the Master are! Yesterday on my way from the stone quarry back to work, I saw a herd of milk cows on one side of the road grazing amidst mud and clumps of grass. On the other side of the road’s edge was a lone cow munching contently on a previously untouched healthy growth of tall grass. At first I slowed in case the cow decided to bolt back to the herd. However as I passed and surmised the situation, I realized that cow was happy being outside the fence.
After reading Sri Harold’s article, the image struck home, that as ECKist, we are blessed to have the audible life stream of ECK as our spiritual nutrition. It is an honor and blessings to share that source of Life with the seeker who has escaped the clutches of Kal and has begun the Journey Home!