A young man from Beijing, China, once wrote to me about the gratitude he felt when a band of ECK Vahanas (missionaries) had introduced him to the beautiful love song to God, HU.
But when they left, he felt empty and alone. He wondered why no other people wanted to sing HU with him.
Then, one morning, he heard the beautiful songs of swallows coming from his balcony. It was the first time he’d noticed. He noticed for a reason. He could feel the divine love in their songs, for his great desire for God had opened his spiritual ears. The swallows, he knew, were singing the HU song too.
This brought the realization that he was never alone. God’s love was always with him.
Further, the swallows recognized him as a child of God too, so they felt comfortable making a nest on his balcony. When the cold weather came, the swallows flew back to the warm southern part of China.
But he wasn’t left alone. Song sparrows moved into the nests, to assure him of God’s ever-present love for him.
“Soul exists because God loves It,” says The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad, Book One. And it is truly so.
You know this keystone of ECK by heart. It is written in the consciousness of all life, and it accounts for some acts of love and charity in the most unexpected ways. It showed up in the life of this young Chinese man in the singing of swallows to chase his blues. But it manifests in other ways too.
Wilton, a retired man from Auckland, New Zealand, reported a case of Tiddles, his cat, saving a bird. The story runs like this:
One morning, Wilton heard a loud bang. A blackbird had crashed into a glass panel on his patio. It’d fallen to the seat beneath the window, where it lay stunned. Just that fast, Tiddles was at the scene. Yet she didn’t pounce on the blackbird but watched Wilton trying to get it to drink water from a saucer, though without success.
Wilton went inside to get a dropper.
When he returned, an amazing sight greeted his eyes. Tiddles was feeding water to the bird. Her method was inspired.
She’d put her head in the saucer and would lap twice. Then she’d put her dripping mouth to the blackbird’s beak, licking it with her tongue. Slowly the bird began to revive. Tiddles watched over it for nearly an hour, at which time it’d gathered its strength and could fly to a low fence. Then it rejoined its mate in a tree, where they’d nested the summer long. It was an amazing sight, indeed.
As an ECK leader, you undoubtedly see this expression of SUGMAD’s (God’s) love on every hand. This love shows itself only to a higher state of consciousness.
So enjoy and bask in those moments when you can see or hear God’s love sing.
—Sri Harold Klemp

Ask the Mahanta to open your eyes and heart to recognize some new expression of God’s love in action. This will enlarge your world.
Seekers also want to hear the singing of God’s love. So ask for ways you can be the HU in your daily life. Watch, listen, learn.
Thank you so much. I am feeling the love of God Now. Very happy.
You made this comment at a favorite time of mine?. I suppose 4:44pm is my most favored…? Baraka Bashad
I whisper to God with this holy word. I have been in the sanctuary of God with this word for a long time. I am sure now that I am eternal.
What a great Vahana effort. It really changed the young man’s life!
The joy and laughter brought me to ECKANKAR, but the HU has always been with me, consoling me, uplifting, and keeping me safe in times of trouble.
Thank you for these heartwarming stories. When I pay attention, I realize that the HU is my constant companion. This sacred word brings love and joy to every experience. For me it is truly love in action.
Thank you for these stories. They remind me to appreciate even more the birds outside of my home that chirp, sing, and even squawk. We all sing HU in our unique ways.
What a wonderful reminder we are never alone! God’s love can take any form and God’s love in action is unlimited in how it is able to touch us. Thank you for the beautiful gift of sharing this story and this beautiful gift of love.
This story reminds me of how everything is in perfect harmony. Perfect love. There is harmony even in the theory of chaos in mathematics. Everything is in accordance with the will of the SUGMAD manifested here for us as the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master Sri Harold Klemp. My responsibility is to continually awaken to it by continually honing in on perfect surrender to the MAHANTA. Thank you Sri Harold for sharing this uplifting story.
The HU has given me true joy, love and eternal life. My life was transformed from the very first day i began to sing HU. I now know my true Self as Soul. My best friend and spiritual guide is the Mahanta. I am on my way to God Consciousness and to become a Co-worker with God. This is all due to HU, God’s sacred name. Thank you Mahanta, for giving me the gift of knowing the HU. Thank you for the golden teaching of ECK. Thank you for my new life of true spiritual freedom. I love you forever!
I often visit a fellow Eckist on the weekends and at 10 a.m. on Saturdays and Sundays we make it a point to sing the HU. The birds join us each time. One day the birds were making an awful racket. Wondering what that was all about, my friend remembered that we had forgotten to sing our HU at 10. We were both so happy for their gentle reminder!
My cat also reminds me when it’s time for our nightly spiritual exercise! I am truly blessed!
As I was reading this story on this quiet morning, a Carolina wren started singing sweetly outside my closed window. How beautiful the sound … what a loving gift of Spirit, signaling that I always have the choice and the opportunity to share this Love Song with all life. Thank you for opening up this blog to us!
I love the stories, they truly are miracles! I also enjoy reading the comments. I live in the North and everything is still very white with snow and frozen but the birds know that spring is close. The other day I was walking my dog beside the river and kept hearing a birdsong yet no bird was visible. Finally I stopped and scanned and saw the most beautiful cardinal. He was so red against the white snow and his song was so clear. We stood there for such along time and it truly felt as though he were serenading us. I love the ECK!
Thank you for the wonderful story. I felt the love! Animals are Souls too. They are teaching us how to be good to one another despite our differences and not to take advantage of someone in a vulnerable situation.
Well, I slept on this above outrageous cat helping a bird get some needed water tale by Sri Harold & this other article I read a half hour earlier from ‘Animals are Soul’ by Paulji last nite:
& was QUITE fortunate to receive 3 different dreams with my beloved papillon ~ who translated 5 years ago this coming St. Patrick’s Day.
Then as I went to get the newspaper in the driveway this early dark still morning ~ I tripped on something & immediately saw my papillon dancing around as he used to years ago….lol
Life is good. So are dreams.
Thank you Mahanta for this beautiful story. It reminds me of my ever interconnectedness with all forms of life. Am greatly humbled.
My dog, an American Eskimo, who lived with my wife and me for 15 years, displayed an enthusiasm and a joy for life in the smallest details. Snowfall was his favorite, the deeper the snowbanks the better. He buried his nose in the snow, sometimes even up to his ears, and pushed ahead like a snowplow. He came up, gasping for air, with a huge grin. The undisturbed snow on a neighbor’s yard was a perfect place to plunge into, where he thrashed around, making four-legged snow angels.
In the warm summer evenings he drank from the staccato lawn sprinklers as they tracked from edge to edge, spraying him in the face. He took delight in whatever he found. He kept my heart open with his playful antics. Thank you, Bear.
Behind the back lane of my house, there are always some stray cats that laze around especially at night. A guy comes by frequently to feed them. I was upset because of the leftovers and the strong stench that lingers on. I approached that guy to refrain from feeding and even called the revelant authorities to take them away. Then one day, “Animals are souls too” flashed across my mind – they need food let alone without shelter. When i let go my thoughts & felt so much relieved. Thank you Mahanta for the timely nudge. May the blessings be.
Nice, Simple story but highly inspiring to look at the world with Soul’s eye. God’s love in action every where, only i need to have the eye to see that. Thank you for the wonderful story which makes me feel good.