In the course of your life, your path crosses the paths of many who are not ECKists. And yet, some among them are the Mahanta’s own.
“Sara” is a hospice volunteer. She sees eight ladies every Tuesday afternoon and four others who have been released from the hospice program. These four had not deteriorated as the doctors expected. Other volunteers noticed.
“Why don’t your patients die as often as ours?” they asked.
Sara knows the answer: the Mahanta has everything to do with it.
On Thursdays, Sara also volunteers at an assisted-living facility, where she began a discussion group on Dreams: Your Window to Heaven, by Debbie Johnson. She followed up with Mary Carroll Moore’s How to Master Change in Your Life. The patients came to like and trust her. She brought light and color into their lives.
One day, as she read to them from How to Master Change in Your Life, one of the ladies, “Marie,” told a story of an event that had taken place when she was a small child. The family was very poor during the Great Depression. However, her parents were somehow always able to provide food, shelter, and clothing for the family.
Their home was close to the railroad station. One wintry night, a knock sounded on the door. A woman stood at the threshold. She was covered with snow.
“Come in!” Marie’s father said.
He led her to the fire where she gratefully warmed herself. Then Marie’s parents fed her dinner. After dinner, they showed her to a bedroom where she could nap until the next train arrived. Marie’s father also packed some sandwiches for her journey.
But when they went to awaken her for the train, they found the room empty. The woman was gone.
The family never saw her again, but their financial situation took a turn for the better later that same year. Sara told Marie that her family had been paid a visit by a spiritual master. Marie felt that what Sara said was very likely true.
On Wednesday nights, Sara also goes to a healing group, and she always feels the Mahanta’s presence with her. If a healing does occur there, she counts that as an added blessing.
One night, a woman in the group asked if Sara knew a tall man with long blond hair and blue eyes. She saw him in the room and knew he was somehow connected with Sara.
“Why, that’s Gopal Das!” Sara said.
That led to a discussion about the ECK Masters. During it, another person said that Rebazar Tarzs was in the room as well.
Sara is an inspiration! Wherever she goes, she acknowledges the ever-abiding presence of the Mahanta. And as a result, many good things have come her way. She and her husband are doing well, and she has been asked to serve as president of her state’s Satsang Society.
So everywhere you go, there are those among the crowds who are ready for ECK too. These are the Mahanta’s own.
—Sri Harold Klemp

Did someone once help you discover that you are one of the Mahanta’s own?
On your own, or teaming up with an ECK friend or two, see who else of the Mahanta’s own you may meet in the coming weeks.
Thank you. Last week I was in class. It’s a class to recognize malaria species and do parasite count. It was tense. One of the students asked how I did it. I said just do it with love. Later in the evening she came and said thank you. She had managed to get at least one question right because she kept thinking, “just do it for love.” Thank you Mahanta
Thank you John for your beautiful example of love in action.
Truly their are those who are not Eckist but enjoys the Master’s Love. They are among the Mahanta’s own.
I will like to share the experience of one particular individual with the following experiences
1. This fellow impregnated a young girl and the pregnancy was almost 5 months so he wanted to abort it so that nobody will know about the pregnancy. The day he took the girl to the clinic for the abortion, and after initial test by the doctor & prior to the abortion, an old woman appeared to this man while the girl was with the doctor. The old woman said to the man If you carry out this act (the abortion) the baby would die, the girl would die and government will arrest him. This man never knew were this old woman came from. As she left the man went after her but couldn’t find her. So he quickly ran back to the doctor and called off the abortion. Today that child is alive and is an adult.
2. This same man cheated in an examination hall and was caught, arrested and detained. After spending some days in detention with nobody to bail him, an Eck Master came and bailed him. Till today he never knew the man that released him from that detention custody.
3. This same man had a motorcycle accident, got injured and was taken to the clinic. With nobody coming to his aid regarding the hospital bills, somebody came paid his bills and he was discharged. Till today he don’t even know who paid his bills.
4. Most recently this same man was very very ill to the extent he went into coma for a long time. At a point the doctor confirm him dead. On the way to the mortuary prior to putting him inside the mortuary he started breathing. This particular experience shocked him till date because he couldn’t understand what happened.
So all these goes a long way to prove that even Non Eckist are The Mahanta’s own.
Recently a woman has begun to see me for the health sessions I offer who has been diagnosed with what the doctors determined is a terminal cancer. But she feels fortunate to have been chosen to participate in a trial for an experimental treatment. She told me that she calls the pills she takes as part of the program her M&M’s, her Miracle Medicine. She has a wonderful attitude and inner strength. This week at the end of her session, she said it was time for her pills, and said that she always prays over them before taking them. She asked if I would participate in the prayer with her. I said, “Of course.” She extended the packets of pills toward me, indicating she would like me to also hold the packet as she said her prayer. When she finished, I found myself saying, “I would like to add something.” She looked at me expectantly. With us both still holding the packet of medicine, I found my self saying, “In Your name, we bless this medication for Sandra’s highest good, and the good of the whole. May the Blessings Be.” It felt as if we had moved from petitioning to accepting, thanks to the inner nudge by the Mahanta. (Sandra of course isn’t her real name.) That same day another client who attends church with this lady came at the time of her arrival and brought dinner for the family and also paid for her session. I see this kindness and generosity every day, and I know in these kind, trusting, spiritual people, I am truly meeting the Mahanta’s own. It is a privilege to serve them with love in His name.
Presently I work with a gentleman with intellectual challenges. He is kind, sweet, and says thank you to everything, no matter how small. He most always has a smile on his face, despite other medical issues he is dealing with. He truly has a golden heart! Mahanta’s own. I wouldn’t have thought to think of it that way until I read this. I love that! Thank you!
Il y a quelques temps, j’ai rencontré de manière inattendue la belle-mère d’un ami qui est Pharmacien. Quand je l’ai saluée, celle-ci m’a répondu en souriant. Puis elle a ajouté la phrase suivante: ” L’homme qui est toujours souriant”. Cette phrase spontanée m’a marqué .Depuis ce moment, J’ai pris conscience que cette bonne humeur était là une marque du Mahanta.
I can’t even begin without mentioning two imperative assertions in the above title:-Among the Mahanta’s Own.
(1) “..Sara also goes to the healing group, and she always feels the Mahanta’s presence with her. ”
(2) “Sara is an inspiration! Wherever she goes, she acknowledges the ever-abiding presence of the Mahanta. ”
The above two assertions further drills in me the importance of practicing “the presence of the Mahanta” as often as possible. The ECK Master Harold Klemp appeared to me in a highway around 1985, one year before I registered in ECKANKAR. He smiled at me and disappeared. He didn’t say anything.
ECK Master Paul Twitchell appeared to me around 2012 in a gas station. He cautiously introduced himself as a native of Kentucky, who used to work in California. His high vibration was felt as soon as he asked me about the “ECKANKAR” sign sticker at the rear end of my vehicle.
I didn’t say much but gave him the bus fare he asked for, and spent the rest of the day wondering about the abnormality of this meeting. How mysteriously he appeared from nowhere! How mysteriously he disappeared into nowhere! Even more intriguing was how could he have known about the sign sticker at the back of my vehicle; even though he appeared from the front driver’s side of my vehicle and never went to the back?
With a certain degree of prudence, I noticed from Harold Klemp’s article that it is sometimes easier for those who practice the presence of the Mahanta to have physical encounters with ECK Masters. Sometimes these meetings just don’t happen. We set them up through personal effort. I was in the habit of practicing the presence of the Mahanta during my encounter with Paul. I believe that Sara’s habit of practicing the presence of the Mahanta may have something to do with the appearance of these ECK Masters. My grandfather used to say, “our spirit accepts whatever we first accept.”
Thank you Mahanta for this article.
Awesome… yes thanks for the reassurance of the many blessings that occur when you practice the Presence of the Mahanta wherever you are.
This story reminded me about my late grandma when she was alive. She told me a story about an old woman who visited her. The woman clothes were wet with rain and looked very cold. She asked her for help as to accommodates her until the rain stops and she accepted. This was in the night . My grandma accommodated and fed her. The woman blessed her that life would never hard with her and that help would always come to her. And the old woman left and my grand mother said she did not know where she passed, but she had gone. My grandma said since the visit of the woman she had never lack and her economy turned around. My mum took care of her and I too took care of her by playing ECK songs and she liked it .She also made it possible for me to attend my Regional seminar at warri. I was so happy. In the dream, she also came to me and told me that she lived long because of the HU I sing. I later relocated to another area after a month or so I was told that she had translated.
My trust for the inner voice led me to Eckankar. When I was nine years old, a gentle voice prompted me to get up and enter the house. I was then taking care of my mother’s provision shop. I obeyed the command. Within thirty seconds we heared a crashing sound outside. It was a speeding pickup truck that had gone off the main road and had crashed into the very spot I was sitting. I was saved by a mysterious voice. Several years later the same gentle voice nudged me to visit a friend. Three minutes after arriving at the friend’s house, a gentleman, who I later got to know was an ECKist arrived with ECK materials. I collected Ancient Wisdom For Today and the HU brochure. That evening I read through the materials and sat down for the HU song. This ECKist was not aware that behind the scene, Mahanta had prepared one of His own for that meeting. Today with that experience in mind, I go about with an open heart, knowing that the Mahanta had prepared one of His own among the many seekers on the journey home to God. I am truly grateful for the article and the opportunities to serve.
j’avais déjà parlé du HU à une amie qui m’avait demandé un enregistrement pour écouter dans sa voiture. Lors d’un passage chez moi, comme elle savait que je chantais le HU à 19 h, je lui ai proposé de le chanter avec moi ce qu’elle a accepté volontiers. Après le chant du HU elle m’a dit qu’elle sentait une énergie fantastique au niveau du cœur, que ce chant était très apaisant. Lors d’une autre rencontre elle m’a dit qu’elle faisait ses exercices avec le chant du HU. Je lui ai proposé alors de le chanter ce qu’elle a accepté de faire. J’ai été reconnaissante, pleine de gratitude pour ce moment de partage et de sentir que j’avais été canal.
Thanks so much Sir Harold. In reading this story I am made to remember that which I heard about in my childhood years. A man of a stranger was moving about became very thirsty then decided to knock at the home of poor family. He was given water for drink even though the family members knew him not.
The stranger left very satisfied and grateful to this kind family.
In the later years that followed this family lived blessed with riches.
A story like this reminds us to always be at service of mankind without expecting any rewards and doing so without discrimination.
Our service to life should know no stranger.
I too was the Mahanta’s Own, before coming into Eckankar. When my daughter was a senior in high school, she was in a sky diving accident. She had broken her back in a couple of places as well as her leg. She was in a lot of pain and we were sure of the extent of her injuries. While I was in her room, a woman dressed in blue walked over to me and asked if the person in bed was my daughter. I told her that she was. She took my hand and looked at me with great love and said that she would be ok. The love I felt was enormous. She then went over to my daughter, held her hand and told her the same thing. After the lady left my daughter said, “Mom, did you feel that? That energy went straight to my heart!” She then fell asleep soundly. I asked the nurse who the lady was that came into the room to visit us. The nurse said, no one comes into the hospital that late. I described her but she said that she didn’t recognize anyone fitting that description. After joining Eckankar about a year later, I discovered that the lady in blue was Kata Daki.