In the course of your life, your path crosses the paths of many who are not ECKists. And yet, some among them are the Mahanta’s own.

“Sara” is a hospice volunteer. She sees eight ladies every Tuesday afternoon and four others who have been released from the hospice program. These four had not deteriorated as the doctors expected. Other volunteers noticed.

“Why don’t your patients die as often as ours?” they asked.

Sara knows the answer: the Mahanta has everything to do with it.

On Thursdays, Sara also volunteers at an assisted-living facility, where she began a discussion group on Dreams: Your Window to Heaven, by Debbie Johnson. She followed up with Mary Carroll Moore’s How to Master Change in Your Life. The patients came to like and trust her. She brought light and color into their lives.

One day, as she read to them from How to Master Change in Your Life, one of the ladies, “Marie,” told a story of an event that had taken place when she was a small child. The family was very poor during the Great Depression. However, her parents were somehow always able to provide food, shelter, and clothing for the family.

Their home was close to the railroad station. One wintry night, a knock sounded on the door. A woman stood at the threshold. She was covered with snow.

“Come in!” Marie’s father said.

He led her to the fire where she gratefully warmed herself. Then Marie’s parents fed her dinner. After dinner, they showed her to a bedroom where she could nap until the next train arrived. Marie’s father also packed some sandwiches for her journey.

But when they went to awaken her for the train, they found the room empty. The woman was gone.

The family never saw her again, but their financial situation took a turn for the better later that same year. Sara told Marie that her family had been paid a visit by a spiritual master. Marie felt that what Sara said was very likely true.

On Wednesday nights, Sara also goes to a healing group, and she always feels the Mahanta’s presence with her. If a healing does occur there, she counts that as an added blessing.

One night, a woman in the group asked if Sara knew a tall man with long blond hair and blue eyes. She saw him in the room and knew he was somehow connected with Sara.

“Why, that’s Gopal Das!” Sara said.

That led to a discussion about the ECK Masters. During it, another person said that Rebazar Tarzs was in the room as well.

Sara is an inspiration! Wherever she goes, she acknowledges the ever-abiding presence of the Mahanta. And as a result, many good things have come her way. She and her husband are doing well, and she has been asked to serve as president of her state’s Satsang Society.

So everywhere you go, there are those among the crowds who are ready for ECK too. These are the Mahanta’s own.

—Sri Harold Klemp

Did someone once help you discover that you are one of the Mahanta’s own?

On your own, or teaming up with an ECK friend or two, see who else of the Mahanta’s own you may meet in the coming weeks.