by Harold Klemp | Aug 11, 2021 | Meeting the Seeker's Heart of Hearts
There is such a push today to stir up envy among the masses, the premise being that all should enjoy the same standard of living, merely because they exist. This push by Kalistic leaders passes over major discrepancies. For example, some people are industrious;...
by Harold Klemp | Jul 28, 2021 | Why We Share ECK
Could you say more concerning finding one’s “personal mission”? Thank you for your request. I addressed one’s “personal mission” at the 2007 ECK Springtime Seminar. There, I referred to it as “a calling.” And what is an ECKist’s calling? It is to tell others about the...
by Harold Klemp | Jul 14, 2021 | Why We Share ECK
The Master used “Tom’s” water filtration system to warn him of an impending, grave physical condition. Friday evening, Tom found water in his basement. That was very unusual. There’d been no rain for two weeks, and water had never even seeped into the basement before....
by Harold Klemp | Jun 30, 2021 | Golden Opportunities to Serve and Grow
How do we best serve families and loved ones as they face health challenges and translation? A non-ECKist recently asked, “What does your church do to help in these situations?” How do we stay clear vehicles for the ECK and not move into social consciousness? Our...
by Harold Klemp | Jun 16, 2021 | Gaining Insights into People and Life
The world faces nearly unprecedented changes. They come to uplift people’s consciousness, and there will be a great disruption in “business as usual.” Society will be shaken. Where does that leave us? To survive, and even do well spiritually, those who love the ECK...