by Harold Klemp | Feb 22, 2023 | Being a Light unto the World
Many of you will read this message in a reasonably well-ordered place. In a peaceful society, for the most part. So what’s the challenge? Somewhere, ECK members live in wild, turbulent, and repressive countries, unsure of a chance to enjoy, in open communion, each...
by Harold Klemp | Feb 8, 2023 | Walking with the Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ All the Way Home
The ECK Master Lai Tsi was once but one of many unknown monks in ancient China. His longing for God was an all-embracing desire, so he left society to live alone in mountain caves for fifteen years, in contemplation. He made friends with the wild animals that came to...
by Harold Klemp | Jan 25, 2023 | Walking with the Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ All the Way Home
How do ECK Masters work? Do they work in an organized structure more or less like what we do on earth, working for those above them and reporting upward, and having Souls working for and reporting to them? If not, do they solely work for you? Or do they work...
by Harold Klemp | Jan 11, 2023 | Our Golden Age—Let's Catch the Wave
Can you offer suggestions on ways to strengthen our youth programs and the involvement of families? Many of our communities have followed the good suggestions given in the ECK works, yet often we see a lack of commitment from parents. Also, for local areas, do you...
by Harold Klemp | Dec 28, 2022 | Being a Light unto the World
In the ECKANKAR teachings, we are asked to live in the present moment—in other words, to bring past and future to the present time. Although I have a mental understanding of this process, I don’t succeed in placing myself at that perspective which will enable me, in a...